Amish hate crimes trial

All criminal cases are jury trials, unless the defendant waives that right.

Zippers. It’s zippers that are generally frowned upon, not buttons.

Have they taken a stand on Velcro yet?

I’ve been in this thread before but -------


Amish road-rage

Thats what us FOYs (Friends of Yoder) are for. That and relatives who weren’t baptized but stayed near the family.

Not totally - it’s a sticky subject right now. :smiley:

And yes – I do tell my Amish friends jokes like this. :smack:

On the serious side - I’ve stayed away from a lot of this thread because some friends are/may end up on the prosecutions side. It is tough on a community that prides itself on being separate from the world being dragged into it. It was the same way after the school shooting. Most of the Amish I know over Ohio felt the “hate crimes” thing was wrong. In a manner of speaking, no matter how misguided, the defendants were (in a sense) acting out of love trying to correct what they saw as unholy behavior. Cult - yes, wrong - yes, hate crime - no.

A guy named “Mullet” really has no business interfereing with other people’s hairstyles. :wink: