Another Crazy Ass Witch Arrested

Believe me, I find nothing dirty about those fair demesnes betwixt the female thighs.
At least… not until we’re done! Woof! Woof! Woof!


You’re welcome, you cock sucking scumbag uncle fucker .:smiley:

Once I built a wall. But do they call me Enfant Terrible the mason? No…

Thanks. Until this article, I’d never seen ‘sophisticate’ used as a verb.

She turned me into a Newt’s ass.

Yeah, biased article! They use (sic) freely to laugh at this woman’s grotesque mangling of the English language, but overlook Sheriff Friendly’s use of “sophisticate” as a verb.

“Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik told the Green Valley News and Sun that Forde was trying right up until her arrest Friday “to get together a large amount of money to further sophisticate the type of operation she’s interested in.””

Indictments all around, I say.

Dey turk urr jhawbz!

In the UK, maybe. In the US, that is pretty much exclusively a female-targeted epithet.

I read this as “dirty pants,” and couldn’t, for the life of me, explain it satisfactorily to myself.


Pay attention.

Drr trk ur drrrr!!

I got better…

Newt Gingrich’s ass? What a terrible fate!

Mind you, if you dare point that out, the outcry goes up that you are an uptight feminazi, probably need a good fucking, and similar items.

I’m not getting how witchcraft was involved in this.

Will dopers start believing me now when I say how rabidly anti-immigration a lot of people around here are? I’m embarassed. I’m saddened. I’m pissed. I’m fuckin’ heartbroken. But I am not shocked.

Well, no one who’s heard about Joe Arpaio should be shocked. He’s absolutely inhuman and authoritarian but he keeps getting elected down there.

I also came into this thread to see what loon was giving Witches a bad name.

Edit: mispost