Any cites proving Superman isn't jewish?

Riiiight, all those dang evangelical Christians in Middle America hate Jews.

Actually, it’s just the opposiite. America’s Evangelical Christians LOVE Jews- but it’s a hopelessly unrequited love. American Jews loathe evangelical Christians.

They love them now, but I think that is a relatively recent phenomenon, probably tied to the creation Israel making end-times prophecy a better bet.

Of course, no reason to think the Kent’s were evangelicals, either. Probably some form of main line Protestant (someone mentioned Methodist up a ways).

No, just that space guys have been making regular stops here for some time.
I saw it on the History Channel.

There is so much wrong in these mere three sentences that a long-running comic book series would be needed to cover it all.

I think it’s pretty clear when the guy leaps to the rescue shouting, “Up, up and oy vey!”

Evangelicals “love Jews” because it is said in the last days Jews will return to Jerusalem.

The Vulcan “live long and prosper” hand-gesture was, in point of fact, Jewish. Or at least, inspired by a Jewish ritual gesture. :wink:

There have been numerous stories in which Superman (or Superboy) celebrates Christmas. None about Hanukkah that I can recall.

This probably has nothing to do with the question, but I heard somebody like Terry Gross (Fresh Air) make a thing about pronouncing several of the superheroes’ names as if they were Jewish by having the -man part of their name be unstressed in much the same fashion as other Jewish names are, like


and so on.


and so on.

Hell, it convinced me! :slight_smile:

Suuure, go right on believing that.

Jews should embrace the liberal Protestants who loathe them, and reject the evangelicals who love them, because the people who love them are doing so for the wrong reasons.

DC universe canon ala Wiki:

Liberal Protestants loathe Jews? Really? And wanting Israel to beat those Muslim furriners says nothing at all about evangelicals loving American Jews.

Proof would have to be strong evidence that at least one rabbi considered Superman Jewish based on some reasonable measure such as being Bar Mitzvahed, or proof that his mother Lara was Jewish.

Or we could go the self identification route where we just need him saying that he is Jewish.

If he did have a religious preference it would probably be the religion that Ma and Pa Kent raised him in. More than likely an American Protestant religion. However they seem like the type that were much more concerned about the message than the religious ritual, so I think he may not have any particular personal affiliation.

There is also a school of thought that Superman is Jesus. If so then it’s pretty well accepted that he is Jewish.

From the experts on these subjects: he’s a Borderline Jew.

You can make all the arguments you want about Superman not being Jewish, but the Kandorians definitely are, and if they are, then it stands to reason that the Kryptonians were. Therefore, Superman must be, by birth, if not the way he was raised (As if that “Kal-el” and “Jor-el” schtick isn’t enough. And don’t tell me how it was originally “Jor-l” without the “e”. Kryptonians clearly used Hebrew diacritical marks)
My proof? This comic book, which mightily confused me in my youth: Superman #149 from 1961. An “imaginary story” where Lex Luthor murders Superman, then gets put on trial.
Scroll down to his sentencing by the Kandorians:

(Me, as a kid: Adolph WHO?)
Would anyone but a Jewish court make the comparison to The Architect of the Holocaust? ( Adolf Eichmann - Wikipedia )
Please note: Eichmann famously sat in a booth made of bulletproof glass during the trial, to protect him against assassination attempts*. It’s not clear from the excerpt on the first link above, but Lex Luthor was in a glass booth at his Kandorian trial. You can see the “glass lines” in the first panel on the page of his sentencing.
Extra note: I hadn’t realized it, but Jerry Siegel himself wrote the script.

You could say it’s the influence of their creator, but Kryptonians sure seem to be Jewish.

This also inspired the play by Robert Shaw*, The Man in the Glass Booth, although that wasn’t about Eichmann.

**Yes, THAT Robert Shaw. He wrote novels and plays, besides being a kick-ass actor who almost killed James Bond.

I should add that I’m actually grateful to that comic. It made me aware of Eichmann, so I paid attention when I encountered his name again. Kinda like the way the Twilight Zone made me aware of Adolf Hitler.

If having Jewish writers makes you Jewish then who isn’t? :smiley:

I found it! Check out

Love thine enemies? Sounds kind of…goyish. :wink:

Rim shot!

Seriously, that’s one of the worst groaners I’ve heard this week. Well done.!