Any movies where people rise from the dead, WITHOUT nightmarish consequences?

Hello Again, starring Shelley Long.

I wouldn’t recommend it…

Er … could be. He was definitely cowboyish. He reminded me of that guy who always played the prospector on those video gun games. I remember House really well, but don’t recall House II, so it could have been that.

Smapti, good call. I was going down the thread and wondering when someone would bring that up.

And of course, there’s no need to mention most movies featuring Jesus Christ… :wink:


Not only do they come back as ghosts, but the Deitzes make them show how they would look if they were dead by a seance.

“I see the Maitlands have gotten enough exorcise for tonight…”

Would it be a spoiler to mention an upcoming movie?

Gandalf in LOTR: The Return of the King

Actually, there are a lot of examples in written SF that have someone coming back to life. In comic books, there are even more – Superman, for one.

And, come to think of it, Lois Lane was brought back to life in one of the Superman movies.

Blithe Spirit. It’s a screwball-type comedy. I found it to be very funny.

Hideaway starring Jeff Goldblum. Two people are brought back to life in that movie. There’s a psychological/supernatural aspect to it, but no zombies, so I guess that would count.

I was thinking My Boyfriend’s Back as well, because it’s rather light hearted, but he does end up eating a few people, so…

Angels in the Outfield. I think Christopher Lloyd makes reference to a life before he was an angel.

Almost an Angel with Paul Hogan. Although he doesn’t really die, he does get “brought back to life by God” and reforms his life, and there is a bit of heavenly intervention thrown in at the end.

Grosse Point Blank has one of the women at the reunion talking about how she drove her car into a river and died and came back. All she had was a neck brace, but no craving for human flesh apparent.

The Bride. An interesting Frankenstien followup staring Sting. The ressurrected woman was very human looking, and believed she was just someone who lost her memory, and was pretty much normal in every way.

The Prohpecy and it’s two absolutley HORRIBLE sequels (the first one was great, though) had a few ressurrected helpers throughout it. Aside from being horribly depressed due to the fact they all tried to commit suicide and only really wanted to die but were being kept alive, they were normal.

Give me time, I’m sure I’ll think of more…

Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock. Okay, I’m going now.

High Plains Drifter.

Near Dark, maybe. I don’t know that they actually died…

Conan the Barbarian. “So, do you want to live forever?”


Highlander II.

Stargate,two main characters are shot and brought back using a alien “resurrection bed” thing.

Leeloo, from the Fifth Element? Not quite sure if that counts.

What about The Crow. Although bad things happen to the bad guys, it’s because they killed Eric, not because they brought him back to life.

Eric does die “again” after he’s gotten his revenge, but I don’t think that counts as a “He Tampered in God’s Domain” thing.

Depending on your point of view, any movie about Jesus either does or does not include someone returning from the dead with “nightmarish consequences.”

Yeah, but they screw it up later. In the series it is revealed that repeated use of the sarcophagus causes one to lose one’s soul or something like that - generally becoming selfish and Eeevil.


How about Dead Heat, starring Joe Piscopo and Treat Williams?

Vincent Price plays an evil rich guy who has developed a machine that makes people immortal by resurrecting them when they die. He’s using the prototype to reanimate criminals who, although unstoppable (they’re already dead, really), will disintegrate in a matter of hours. Williams and later Piscopo, too, are killed and reanimated, leaving them with only a limited amount of time to solve the crimes.

Does David Lo Pan (played by James Hong) in Big Trouble in Little China count?

Rather than “nightmarish” consequences, his resurrection makes him vulnerable, and Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) does him in. It’s all in the reflexes.

Big Trouble is one of my all-time favourite movies.

how about Meet Joe Black?

Near the beginning, Brad Pitt’s first character is killed(I can’t remember if he is named Joe Black as well). At the end of the movie, after Joe Black takes Anthony Hopkins to the other side, Brad Pitt’s original character is brought back to life.

Any of the various movies inspired by Here Comes Mr Jordan; the basic idea being someone died “before their time” so they get sent back to Earth. Although I suppose you could argue that this is a reinforcement of the idea that resurrection is only a good idea when it remains in “God’s domain”.

Fiddler on the Roof, when the grandmother rises from the grave to warn Tevye not to let Tzeitel marry Lazarwolf.

Okay, it was a made up dream so he could explain his change of mind to Golda, but still…it was pretty funny.

And sorry if I spelled the names wrong.

IF ghosts count, how about “The Sixth Sense”? Or how about “host”?

Then there are the “dead but come back as…” movies. Jack Frost where Michael Keaton comes back as a snowman. A couple movies where someone comes back as a dog.


This was the first thing that came to mind. I don’t know if it counts, though, since it’s debatable whether Superman spun the whole planet backwards and brought everybody back to life (which is awfully dumb), or, in the revisionist reinterpretation I heard a few months ago, it’s just Superman that’s going back in time via the hyperfast spiral to where he can do a better job of saving everybody.

Actually, the first thing that came to mind was John Travolta pulling off a convincing back-from-the-dead trick in Pulp Fiction. Career-wise, I mean.