Anyone else bored of a normal pregnancy? An update to Beta-chan.

May this pregnancy continue to be boringly normal.

WOOOHOOO! I was just thinking about you guys last night as I went to sleep … which I see is really close to the time you posted your OP. I am so happy to hear that everything is normal with you little one.

Such good news! Yay, Beta-Chan!

Woohoo for boring! Here’s to an equally boring home stretch, and a delivery that someone could almost sleep through.

Heck with waiting…hey Player, where’s the ultrasound pics??

The OP is very dull. Thank God :slight_smile:

I’m thrilled to hear that all is dull with Beta-Chan! Best wishes for further boredom in the baby department.

Glad to hear it!

I made this LOLcat awhile back, but then it didn’t seem like the right time.

I think it is now. Yay, Beta-chan!

Excellent news! Yay for Beta-chan, Yay for TokyoPlayer, Yay for TokyoWife!

The duller the OP, the better the news! Yay!

Yay! I’m so glad Beta-chan is so beautifully grey and sticky!

And as for multilinguality, definitely the way to go. I spent the first 3.5 years of my life in India and learned simultaneously to speak English and Tamil. While I haven’t spoken the language again, when I was in college I overheard a conversation in Tamil and understood it completely, so clearly it’s still in my brain; I suspect I could pick it up again quickly if I were to go spend a little time in a Tamil-speaking area.

And supposedly it’s very good for future language learning abilities to start off with more than one language; it makes learning subsequent languages far easier. I suspect because one’s brain knows that it’s not necessary to translate what it hears before understanding it. At least that was both my and my 2-years-older sister’s experience, me with French and her with Spanish; we both learned so quickly our teachers were quite stunned, and even though I don’t have many opportunities to use it these days, I can still understand about 75% of what I hear without having to translate it in my head.

So yay for a multilingual Beta-chan! Do something like alternating days with different languages, and before you know it, she’ll be able to converse with half the world!

A good idea. I’ve opened another thread to discuss this.

Oh so, Ian basicly had very profound hydro and not hydranencephy? Hopefully it was just a random blip. I know there’s a form of lissencephy (one symptom of WWS) where the babies are so affected they die at birth. I know what WWS is…I know a family with TWO daughters with it! However if it was atypical, it might have just been denovo, rather then familial genetic.
It is hard not knowing…but hopefully Beta will beat all that.

Yay! Grey and sticky! Let’s hear it for more boring, happy news.

(And since it seems to be working, I’ll keep sending sticky thoughts for Beta-chan. At this point, I hope to be able to keep sending her sticky thoughts long after she’s headed to college. :wink: )

:throws confetti:




What a perfectly boring story. Normal pregnancy, ho-hum. Everything progressing as expected, shrug.

Who knew a grey boring story could be so wonderful! Keep that baby sticking, and how the heck do you translate *Dr. Seuss * into Japanese?

Happy yawns here from the Zappa-Knig household :slight_smile:

Haven’t you got anything interesting to share?


Good! :slight_smile:

Isn’t that a Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times?”

Here’s hoping the next few months continue to be far from interesting.

How boring.

How dull.

How wonderful.
