Anyone else see Tom Cruise on "Today" this morning?

Ugh. Someone needs to get him on some mind-altering anti-psychotic drugs.


If he hadn’t fired his publicist and hired his own sister for the job, I wonder how long it would have taken someone to get a muzzle on him and shut him up? He just seems so manic to me–as if he’s about to have a very public mental meltdown. Or maybe he’s been this way all along and never showed that side to the public because his publicist kept him in line all these years?

The power of Xenu compels you!

He’s studied the Scientology pamphlets. That makes him an expert.
I tend to agree that sometimes people, especially children, are overmedicated by their doctors, I recently experienced this with my mother who ended up worse off after her doctor put her on several medications. However, he has no business or right denouncing it and saying that they just need vitamins. He is using his postition as a repected actor to shill his “religion” and his uninformed views. If Sean Penn wants to go to another country and denounce the war, that’s one thing he’s putting himself at risk and not encouraging others to do so, but Tom is encouraging people to listen to him and not their medical doctor. IMO Tom’s actions are more potentially harmful.

I think someone touched on it in another thread and Tom’s gurus are going to reign him in soon and send him on a “retreat”.

Um, I just watched you do it for about 10 minutes.

The good that could come out of this is that Tom could actually hurt Scientology more than he helps it.

Remember Lisa McPherson dying of dehydration while under the “care” of $cientology for some mental disorder a few years back? All anyone would have to do to discredit the “religion” is remind people of that. Cast Tom’s Cruisade in that light, that these are the idiots who tortured a woman to death instead of giving her the medical attention she needed. Religion. Feh.

“That’s an alteration of what I’m saying.”

What a tool.

He came across as an arrogant, condescending prick. I kept waiting for Lauer to ask him which scientific publications Cruise had read that makes him an expert on Ritalin and other drug therapies. The entire response line of “I know the history of psychiatry and you don’t” made me wish for an unfortunate accident with the boom mike. This guy reminds me of Judd Nelson, another faux intellect who annoyed us all many years ago. Regrettably, he also reminds me of my eldest, who is also a know-it-all despite solid evidence to the contrary.

From the transcript:

Ah, yes. Tom’s understanding of the history of psychiatry.

He alos touches on his extensive knowlede of this in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly:

Dude, when you’re being corrected in a puff piece in EW, it’s time to pack it in.

You know, I’m seriously considering starting my own religion now. If for no other reason than to fleece nutbags like Cruise of every dime they’ve got. (And hey! I’ll even make it a “nice” religion, where people won’t say stupid things like “Psychiatry is pseudo-science.”)

“The real money’s in religion!”
-L. Ron Hubbard

It’s theoretically possible that someone with normal (or above) intelligence, and a fairly well-developed world view, could go into music or acting. And that person could accumulate fame and wealth. And then would want to use that fame and wealth to make the world a better place.

Could happen. Not in Tom Cruise’s case…but it could happen.

A midlife crisis is never pretty to watch.
I hope he gets over it soon.

Read the transcript and saw the clip. Wow. As if I needed another reason not to go see War of the Worlds. What a maroon.

If this isn’t a publicity stunt I feel sorry for Katie. So sorry that she can stay at my place when she breaks up with the tool. Just untill she gets back on her feet.

If there’s no such thing as a chemical imbalance, why would anyone need to take vitamins?

He fired his publicist and hired his sister who is also Scientologist, correct?

Smart move. :wally

It was riveting. Whta I would give to see him debate (and disagree with) Russell Crowe. Good money to be made on that.

I know she’s hot and all, but it’s highly likely that she allowed Tom Cruise to put his penis in her. Do you really want your naughty bits rubbing up against something that had his naughty bits rubbing up against it? Because, in a way, that’s like rubbing your naughty bits against his naughty bits, and well, IMHO, that’s just icky, no matter who you are. No one should ever rub Tom’s naughty bits. He just doesn’t deserve it.

I think I’ve figured out Cruise’s interviewing method and I’ve gotta admit: the guy is good. Bear in mind that all quotes below are approximate.

He basically has divided personal questions into ‘friendly’ and ‘unfriendly.’

His response to a ‘friendly’ personal question goes like this: example, “How did you meet Katie Holmes?” He can’t answer truthfully, of course, so he simply laughs maniacally for about 20 seconds (“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!”) and then he eases into “Honest Tom” Mode by saying something like, “I’ll tell you, Dave, I’ll tell you…” and THEN he answers, not the question asked, but a question similar enough that most in the audience will come away with the impression that the question has been asked and answered. “Dave, when I met Katie, I’ll tell you, I just knew…you know what I mean? It was like, wow! This is the woman I want to marry and be with for the rest of my life.” Now what is someone like Dave or Jay gonna say here? “Yeah, Tom, but you didn’t really answer the question, did you?” Hardly. Next question.

‘Unfriendly’ personal questions (“How do you respond to people who think Scientology is nothing but a cult of goons?”) are responded to thusly: Steely-eyed “Super Serious Tom” Mode staring directly at the interviewer while flatly repeating person’s name in vaguely threatening manner: “Matt…Matt…Matt…Matt…Matt…Matt…” Then he’ll seem to START to answer the question asked (“People who make those accusations-”) but he’ll quickly swerve into attacking the questioner’s credibility: “Matt, I’ve gotta tell you, I don’t listen to those people because they are uninformed. Like you yourself. You don’t know enough about what you’re saying to even ASK me that question.” Follow-up questions are met with same: “There ARE people who think you’re involved with a dangerous cult.” “Matt, Matt…don’t say ‘people.’ Admit that YOU are the one asking this question. YOU are the one who thinks that…and we’ve already established that you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Genius when you think about it. Add to this the fact that the interviewer is absolutely aware that he or she is sitting next to the most popular Hollywood actor of all time, and persistent badgering about the guy’s religion will only serve to make THEM look like bullies…well, it’s a perfect plan.

Was it just me, or did Katie seem rather spacey and “not really there” when they showed her sitting idly by at the Today Show? She seemed almost in a hypnotic state.

My favorite part is when he calls out “Brave New World” Nice to see him know a decent science fiction book as well as the clap trap I suppose he is forced to read by L Ron.

I know someone who almost got involved with that group and the thing that creeped her out, and made here realize she was in the wrong place was how most of the folks she talked with responded to questions with “L Ron says…”

When Cruise starts doing that I’ll pull up a chair pull out the marshmellows and prepare for the complete melt down