Are Europeans really unfriendlier than Americans?

Obvious, now. I lived through the Bud Selig years. Soccer doesn’t even ping my radar. :wink:


Nah, I think he moved out of that hell-hole known as Portland and moved to Utopia…I mean Eugene. Guess the shiny wore off quickly there too.

I was thinking Bernie Ecclestone.

If this phenomenon actually exists, might it not be a language issue? It’s a lot easier to be friendly in your native language.

Wherever you go, the best way to make friends is to assume everyone on a continent is pretty much the same. Everyone loves being pigeonholed!

It’s your region. America differs greatly from region to region.

Northwest and Northeast = unfriendly; Midwest and South = friendly.

Hey, fuck you, pal! Fuhgeddaboutit.

Say what? As a lifelong Southerner, I know this is patently untrue.

Most of the South can be friendly as long as you’re not gay or black or non-Christian or any of a number of other labels. If you’re any of those? Well, you might get lucky and land yourself in one of the bigger cities.

What the OP needs is a long look in the mirror. Canada or Minnesota or Europe aren’t going to solve his problems. People are people. Period. Local geography doesn’t change that.

I guess it hasn’t come up, but permanently relocating to England or Germany is going to be exceedingly difficult as a mostly unemployed person on public assistance with little to nothing to offer another country. It’s not like they’re just going to welcome people with open arms just if they but ask.

Carrot Top?

Think three Godzilla-sized Hitlers with the powers of Sauron and Voldemort combined, and you may be getting close to the ballpark.

Adolf Stalin?

The majority of people here in the UK are decent enough, like everywhere, and often self-absorbed arseholes, like everywhere.

You might get some mileage out of your novelty accent in the pub if you came here; but if beneath that you’re humourless and bitter, the novelty will wear thin fast.

I always thought of this as a city/country divide. People in the larger cities were about as reserved as people in DC tend to be. Once you got out to the smaller cities and towns, I found most people to be pretty friendly in Europe.

I think it is the same thing in the states.

Americans in general are nicer, friendlier than people I’ve met in every other nation I’ve visited. However, I’ve met friendly people and made friends in lots of countries.



Ed Zotti???!

Well, maybe if Hitler were Godzilla sized, we wouldn’t have lost his brain.

As someone who’s been living in Portlandia for almost six years, my experiences have been pretty much the opposite of the OP. I find most people here to very friendly and chill, which has been quite the contrast from the DC metro area where I lived before. Almost aggressively friendly, actually.

protoboard, the problem is probably you. You should probably start planning a move to somewhere else.

Not Kim Jong-un, then, too short . . .