Are milk and cheese really full of pus cells?

Really? How many web sites are there out there that are all about how ethical and healthy vegan is? I sure see a lot more vegan sites pushing their agenda than vice-versa. This thread (and the site the OP links to, of which the claims of “pus cells” are just a tiny part) is a good example of what they might push to make people become vegan; I was merely pointing out that vegan food has a lot of yucky stuff in it as well.

You want to hear something outrageous: Milk is just modified sweat. Well, milk glands are just evolved sweat glands. And in some very primitive mammals (echidna, for one), the young just lick the sweat off the mother’s body.

I’ve heard the “pus cells” argument to push the agenda for organic and/or raw milk. Obviously, these arguments work on NON-thinking people, because organic usually translates into “contains dirt” and raw milk is no doubt teeming with wee beasties.

Non-pasteurized milk, and especially human breast milk fed to babies as nature intended, is filled with living cells. That’s the beauty and the benefit of milk.

Nothing to see here, folks. Keep moving, move along, don’t obstruct traffic…

So your contention is that because there are a lot of vegan websites pushing the idea that the diet is healthy, that’s the same as jumping at the chance to point out that vegans are hypocrites? My experience with people in real life, vegans and non, is that when a meat eater finds out a person is a vegan, they take the opportunity to ridicule them and/or criticize their choice as stupid or unnatural, or hypocritical somehow. I’ve never met a militant vegan, and I know a ton of them.

Then your experience is significantly different from mine. I’ve met quite a few militant vegans.

Me too. And a lot of those are also anti-vaxers, believers in homeopathy and are intolerant to wheat and non-believers.


People. We’re straying pretty far afield of the OP.

Get back to it. Put down the vegan angle.

Is that, like, a boomerang shaped carrot?

Anything with the name (leukocytes) ‘Lucas’ in it can’t be good for you.