Are you a member or a customer of the SDMB? An informal poll

I was a member until they forced me to be a customer. Now I’m both.

I quit being a member the day they told me to fork over the cash or skee-daddle. So count me as a customer.

Frankly, the sound of “throbbing customer” scares me… so I’ll stick with “member”.

Member, absolutely

Member. Just wish I hadn’t lurked for those last 6 months…I’d have been a 99’er!

I get good info, give my $0.02, take heat sometimes, forgive, forget, am forgiven, am forgotten (no!). Yeah, y’all my community.


Well, sort of. There have been a number of people over the years who have paid their money and just not fit in, for whatever reason. Those people seem to speedily vanish or get banned.

So I’m proud to call myself a member. It sounds better than “tool,” anyway.

Yeah, and you’ll get asked to leave the restaurant if you throw food at other patrons. That doesn’t make you a “member”. It’s not like there’s some sort of vetting process for potential SDMB members like at a country club.


I’m a mild mannered member… until I spot Injustice Against Me. That’s when I pop into a convenient telephone box and emerge transformed into Outraged Customer, Smiter of Not Getting My Money’s Worth and Defender of I Pay Good Money To Be Here.

Member. It’s an online community, not a grocery store.

I think that as long as there is any criterion for membership, “member” means exactly what it means.

Toastmasters will take anyone who ponies up the dues. So will the Society for Technical Communication . I pay said dues – does that make me any less a member of those organizations?

Habitue. Patron. Denizen. Regular. OK, member. It’s like a favourite bar, with a great jukebox, a good pool table, comfy sofas, and lots of good people to hang out with and chat to - I can always be sure of finding a good conversation here, even if I just want to listen. Great - if occasionally slightly harried - barstaff, too, who really help to keep the atmosphere of the place by stepping in if the squabbles get a little too heated, or by just plain showing the riff-raff the door.

OK, the building is a little old and ratty - the paint’s peeling in places, the chairs are worn, and the place is so damn crowded sometimes that it takes forever to get a beer. There are always grumbles about the slowness of the service, the price of the drinks, or the size of the premises, and some people want to know why the place isn’t run better, and just where their money is going anyway.

There are certainly drawbacks to the old joint, but the ambience and clientele make it worth putting up with the odd inconveniences: in a way, I figure that those willing to brave the eccentricities of the place instead of going up the road in search of the bright lights, dancefloors and pounding techno music are the people I’d like to talk to over a beer and a game of pool while arguing over the selection on the jukebox.

Awesome post. Now I can think of the SDMB as the corner bar of yore or a Cyberspace Prancing Pony.


I feel…quite strongly so… that the Straight Dope community is comprised of some of the most intelligent people that walk the earth, from all world views and walks of life. Membership is, to me, a ticket into the lifeboat of humanity that needs to be salvaged for the good of mankind.

Member. Though Scissorjack’s “denizen” is closer to it.

Are you looking at my girlfriend?

Uh, Yes, I mean no, I mean there is a little piece of fuzz on her sweater that caught my attention for the moment. Yeah, that’s it. :smiley:

Jim {I think I actually had that conversation once about 19 years ago}

Member, with a far too long 'membry of what’s transpired here…

…just a customer.

I’m prolly one drunk post away from bannination anywheigh.

Both. Member.

And Customer as I bought one of the coffee cups.


And btw, where would I stand if one of the members had coughed up on my behalf (as they offered to do)? Would that make me ambiguous?