Are you happily married?

My first marriage had it’s faults, but we were compatible.

Regarding my second marriage, is appears we do not share some fundamental core values. Ah, well. It makes me miss the first one.

I’m willing to admit that I am not talented at the whole partner thing.

Married 23 years tomorrow and could not have done better for myself

Just celebrated 22 years - planning for another 100.

This. And never more secure, respected, understood, comfortable…

Fourteen years, going strong. Don’t tell my wife but she could have done much better.

Over 20 years and not happy. Not despondent, and happy with my life otherwise - just not happy with my marriage.

23 years and I checked happy, though in truth I know I could be just as happy on my own. But life is good and a large part of that has to do with being married, so… <shrug>

Four weeks today and it seems to be going well so far. Both still breathing in and out.

Congrats both of you! To many happy and healthy years! :slight_smile:

I said married between 10-20 years, but we’re not technically married. Very happy though! :cool:

Thanks :slight_smile:

34 years happily married. We’re now looking at paring down the house and considering where to be for our future years of adventures.

Just about exactly where we are (31 years). I’m thinking condo, she wants to stay or buy a small horse farm.

A couple months shy of our tenth anniversary. Never been happier, I think.

Let me check with the wife.

OK, she confirms it. I’ve never been happier. :wink:

Together just shy of 5 years, Handfasted for just shy of 4 years, and we’re getting legally married in August. So yes, happy. :slight_smile:

No - the damn idiot thought he could beat on me… It didn’t work out well

Friday marks 15 years for us!

Less than 15 months in, I had a little neurological incident that left me learning how to walk and talk again. At 25 years old, she had the strength to stand up to my meddling family that thought that they would decide what was best for me.

I love her more every day…

seal_cleaner, We have neighbors with a couple dozen draft horses: what a load of work! We help the neighbors, attend their competitions, go visit the horses, counting ourselves fortunate not to own any. But then, we’ve never worked with horses prior.

Dammit now I want sherbet but I’m not going back out!

50 years, 3 months, 11 days and I couldn’t be happier.

36 years. No.