Ask another muslim guy

In post #8 you imply that Islam is not a violent religion, and then in post #12 you list types of people who should be killed, according to Islamic texts.

How do you reconcile these opposing statements?

I too noticed that you responded to direct questions about hard issues of capital punishment by quotations. These do not answer the question of what you think the actual implementation of them should be. Enlighten us please?

I noticed that too; the replies are ambiguous; “[whatever category of offecnder] shall be killed” - killed by whom, exactly?

Do you believe, then, that there is a document or group of documents which represent the literal, unaltered and/or directly ‘dicatated’ Word of God?

Other posters have touched on it; I’m wondering about abandoning the five-times-daily prayers and the superstitions surrounding the roles of women and views on Jews and other non-Muslims. I know many urbanized Muslims have already moved away from these, should all Muslims be encouraged to as part of modernization?

NSmasta, welcome.

Do you have any gay or lesbian friends or family? Why do you think some people are homosexual? Do you think gays should be imprisoned or executed?

I’m interested in your answer to this too - and if not - why not?

What is your opinion on groups like Hamas, Hizbolah or Al Quaida who use Islam as justification for commiting various attrocities around the world?

Hello, NSmasta. Peace be upon you. I have a somewhat tamer question.

Can you give us a brief summary of Islamic dietary rules? A friend told me Muslims don’t eat chicken, because chickens sometimes practice cannibalism. Is that true?

Former Muslim checking in, only here to answer factual questions.

The Qur’an prohibits blood, pork, meat sacrificed to idols, and meat that hasn’t been slaughtered properly. The hadith, or sayings of the Prophet and his companions, add a bunch more restrictions, from how animals are to be slaughtered (sharp knife with no nicks, say “Bismillah ir-rahmaan ir-raheem”, one cut that severs trachea, esophagus, and both jugulars and carotids), to specifying that everything that comes from the sea is halaal, to adding more restrictions on what can and cannot be eaten, such as prohibiting dogs.

The various madhhabs have also added rules from various sources. Some say that frogs cannot be eaten; others say that any carnivore is out of bounds. Some classify elephants as carnivores, for some strange reason (probably because they gore things to death with their teeth). I believe the Hanafi madhhab prohibits eating shellfish. I’ve never heard of chickens being prohibited, though.

There are a bunch of little details like this, but everyone agrees on the four Qur’anic prohibitions, and that dogs are also haraam.

This killing stuff is a bit disturbing

Since I certainly don’t worship any ‘god’, and reckon that if there is one (or even hundreds) then it is/they are a pretty nasty piece of work.

Something makes me think, that as an observant Moslem, you have an obligation to kill me.

  • it looks as if you think that too.

Now, as a rational individual, I don’t really want you to kill me, and I know that the law is pretty clear on self defence

  • my reading is that I am quite justified in killing /you/ - before you kill me

Bear in mind, such a thought never entered my head, until you started posting excerpts from the Koran

  • also that all my past Moslem friends have never let on that they had a duty to kill me
  • although one nearly did when we had a drinking match in a Chinese restaurant and cleared out the liquor shelf.

Do you think it might be an idea to be a little less observant ?

  • after all - in the West, there are quite a lot of people who are on your ‘death list’
  • and if they realized your intentions, they could get you first

I am only half joking, if the average Joe in the UK realized that they are on a death list, then they would burn down mosques - with people inside.

Normally I am pretty tolerant about religion, what ever turns people on, but in this case, I’m beginning to suspect that we have a situation not dissimilar to a bunch of Totenkopf SS fanatics living in Israel.

Fortunately, most Moslems I have met are partial to a pint of beer, but I’m starting to think that we should open some internment camps.

Speak for yourself, by all means, but please don’t make bullshit generalisations. The average UK citizen would do no such thing.

Abdul Rahman converted to Christianity. Both Christianity and Islam (and Judaism) are Abrahamic religions and they all worship the same god (of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob).

I don’t think you would have reacted like that if you did not reckon that there is a germ of truth in what I posted.

In UK terms I am pretty sophisticated, and very tolerant, yet this thread has rattled me.

Assuming, from the past, I am pretty adept at feeling the pulse, well try this for size :-

What is the difference between a paedorast and a paediatrician ?

Personally I would pull this thread - Mark Twain !

Bwuh? you think I disagreed with you because I secretly think you’re right? What the fuck?

Your posts do not bear this out.

You spelled one of them right?

I’m sure FRDE is referring to the media-fuelled anti-paedophile riots that took place in Portsmouth a few years ago, wherein the mob accidentally targeted a paediatrician.

Not sure how this incident supports the case that the average Joe will burn down mosques with people inside - seems a bit of a non-sequitur - but I suppose when you’re scratching around for support for extravagant claims, that sort of thing can happen.

Here’s a question: in your opinion, is it better to phonetically memorize the Qu’ran in the original medieval Arabic (which one doesn’t understand) or to read a translation in one’s own language?

I think the expression is “gem of truth”. Like you whittle away the bullshit to reveal the gem. Maybe you guys in the UK have a different expression.