ask the attention whore who loves talking about himself

I have yet to realize that.

Just so many things to ask. Do you have your red wings?

What’s more important in a martini: the gin or the vermouth? You can’t say both.

I’m Jewish. Even if there was no Levitical prohibition on contact with menstruating women, I’d still think it was gross. In other words: no.

I don’t know, I’ve never had a martini before. I will say this, though: Whiskey and Soda tastes a helluva lot better if you use Cherry Coke and Jim Beam.

Cmon, this thread can’t sink yet. There be something you all are dying to know about me. You guys have been pitching softballs this whole time, give me something juicy I can answer.

Yeah, I’m just gonna go ahead and start disregarding all of your opinions right now.

Because a) I drink Cherry Coke with my Whiskey or b) because I’ve never had a martini? If it’s a) it’s really good, seriously! If it’s b) will you make me one?

Can we go have coffee and will you hold my hand while I cry a little and spend an hour or so venting about all the problems that I’m having lately? (I bet the answer will be no, which only adds to my problems. Thanks a heap!:()

Sure, if it’s possible.

If you really have something you need to vent about then PM me. Or do it here if you feel comfortable. I’m serious.

Both. Sure, I can make you a martini, but it won’t be very good.