Ask the drunken Irishman.

What do you think about ‘Irish’ Americans?

I like it, its like fizzy treacle :slight_smile:

Never realised it was pasteurised for foreign markets, I always thought it was to do with how quickly the other customers went through it and thus how fresh a barrel you were being served from.

I enjoy the Jamesons, Bushmills, and Tullamore. Which reasonably budget minded whisky should I try next?


With the Irish Nat’l team (Football and Rugby) sucking eggs, and Celtic all but dead in the water in the Champions League, who does a drunken Irishman cheer for at the pub?
I agree that the best Guinness is in Dublin. It just doesn’t travel well.

The onlookers would be the clear winners.

Well it’s fairly obvious he’s passed out in a drunken stupor seeing as not a lot of answers have been forthcoming.

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he’s slumped in some dingy alley covered in vomit, dog piss and shamrock and clutching a half empty bottle of meths

I always find this a bid sad, but it seems like whoever’s playing against England :rolleyes:

Perhaps it’s from still being under the lash of the Empire, but I just don’t find it within me to join in this practise :slight_smile:

Don’t forget lazy.

Did you stop beating your wife?

Because I’ve got work to do.

I don’t. It usually tastes like watered down bitter swill. In some pubs it tastes nice but a drink that inconsistent isn’t worth lauding.

Like what? I can get a drink at 2.30am in this city any night of the week, I can get a sandwich made at 3.30am in this city any night of the week, I can get a meal in plenty of restaurants at 4.30am any night of the week.

Trinity has a better and wider reputation but is stuck up. UCD is less pretentious but kind of grim. Trinity wins by a nose.

I’ve heard this and all I can say is that certain pubs in Dublin definitely serve a better pint of Guinness than other pubs. I have never really had it down the country. Outside of Dublin it would probably be cheaper anyway.

I’ve never had it I’m afeared.

Not that I know of…

Conversations with Irish drunks are often productive and sometimes reproductive. Our drunks are all writers, poets, musicians and the like, remember?

Out of my cold dead hand

Nope, have you seen the price of houses here?

Some of my best friends are Irish Americans. It’s a complex issue for me. It’s very hard to call someone up on their “culture”. Are Americans who proclaim their Irishocity, wear green, and drink guinness and sport Bobby Sands t-shirts any less or more corny and authentic than Irish people who sport Che Guevara t-shirts and dreadlocks or dress like an extra from MTV’s Laguna Beach? Some Americans have a long, clear and proud link with the old country that it would be extremely offensive for me to deride. The kitchier ends of things are ripe for lampooning but that’s often the way with the kitchier end of things in general.

I have an anecdote about this (that I hope you’ll find informative and/or amusing). My friend was in Chicago for July 4th about 5 years ago. They were visiting a family for a barbecue and when the family found out Irish people were c oming they were very excited. You see the Kowzlowskis were Irish too. The father of the family was so excited about it he cracked out his special stash of real Irish beer that he only usually drinks on St. Patrick’s Day.
He handed my friend a bottle of his prized “Blarney Stone” beer or some such concoction and said “this’ll make you feel at home”. Needless to say my friend had never heard of it. Wanting to spare the man’s feelings he feigned enthusiasm and drank the beer.
His friend though spoiled things by saying “This isn’t Irish beer, I’ve never laid eyes on it in my life.” An argument ensued about the provenance of the beverage.
This was settled when someone pointed out the fine print “Proudly Brewed In Seattle, Washington.”

As JJimm already said Paddy’s pretty good. Power’s isn’t bad either and for ultra cheap, here at least, but quite drinkable there’s Dunphy’s.

The next round or any team that’s likely to beat England.

Oops didn’t see your reply. Yeah you’re right, lots of people actually do this. I think it’s funny.

Only to switch pint hands.