Ask the English Teacher in Japan - Autolycus Edition!

I heard about the earthquake and resulting tsunami this morning. Are you all right?? Did it affect your area?

I came in search of this thread for the exact same reason. Auto, you OK?

I saw pictures of damage in the Aomori prefecture. I hope his area is safe and that he lets us know soon that he’s ok.

One of his facebook friends says he’s OK. That was posted 4 hours ago.

According to Hal Briston in the other thread, someone has posted on Autolycus’s Facebook wall that he is OK.

C’mon Auto…What’s shakin?

I’m wondering if the communications infrastructure is down. He may not be able to post.

I’m trying to find a phone number for his parents but no luck so far.

  • GASP *
    You mean…there may be no Dope in Japan!!!

Quite possibly. Apparently there’s a power outage.

You’d think with getting their infrastructure stomped out by Godzilla, et al. over the years they’d have changed over to a more robust underground installation.

Has anyone managed to contact him or his family? I know that his parents live very near me, and I have found what I think is an email address and work phone number for one of them. I hate to be stalky, but I could try to contact them if encouraged by you guys.

I kinda doubt a call from some person on a message board is going to help **Auto’**s parents. They probably want to keep their line clear in case Auto gets a chance to call home.

Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. I did find their number, though. Most likely I know people who know them–this is a fairly small town. The local news is also usually all over the “local connection” stuff. I’ll let you know if I hear anything. I hope he doesn’t freak out when he reads this! I’m not a stalker, I swear–just trying to help.

I tried to find their number too with no luck. From what I can gather from facebook, his family doesn’t know his disposition either.

OT, kapri, do you know someone named Gurindar?

No. I saw Autolycus’s last name from his profile here, plus he and I talked in another thread about where we lived, because we used to live only a few streets apart. Based on this, I’m close to positive that what I found is his family. I don’t want to bother them or be awkward, though.

If his father’s name starts with S and his mother’s with P, then that’s them.

Yes. It’s them.

Okay, I love research and playing detective, and I found this on his FB page from his dad: “ohn called us at 4:30 am and was with friends at his apartment in Aomori with no power or water, but using candles and gas heater to keep warm. The building is ok. The tremors weren’t too severe where he is in Aomori.”

(Will also post in earthquake thread.)

Great! Thanks for that!

Also heard:

“Heard from your dad that you’re without power but doing okay, at least. I hope it stays that way.”