Ask the guy raised in an Orgone-energy-believing household

Which is one of the reasons I’m convinced that Reich’s “bions” were nothing more than infected samples containing dried-out bacteria and amoebas that took a while to reconstitute themselves in solution. (Reich’s first Bion Experiments used “sterilized” grass, which amoebic cysts are now known to cling to. The cysts would be too small to see with the conventional light microscopes Reich used, but when they were soaked in water and expanded into full-blown amoebas, Reich certainly could have seen them. To Reich, it would have looked like the amoebas were created ex nihilo.)

In the late 1930s, a microbiologist named Kreyberg looked at one of Reich’s bion samples and said they were only common staphylococci. Reich countered by saying that this demonstrated that staphylococci could be created from lifeless matter. Reich didn’t believe that such a thing as “air infection” was possible, or that bacteria or amoebas were in the air, so he was probably pretty sloppy when it came to making sure his experimental ampoules were tightly sealed.

Have you read Fury on Earth? If so, what did you think about it?

Not only have I read Fury On Earth, I’ve used some of the material presented in it as fuel in my anti-Reich arguments.

The only problem have with the book is that the author was trained in psychology/psychiatry, and knew very little of physics or chemistry or microbiology. He does admits this personal limitation of his in the book, but it still made him awfully credulous of the non-psycotherapeutic “discoveries” Reich claimed to make (e.g. bions, oranur, etc.).


Did you try high-pressure tyndallization or high-pressure tyndallization in concert with ethylene oxide treatment?

What are your views on negative and positive energy?
Also do you believe there is some truth in the Orgonite energy givers? Like the Pyramids of metal flakes/shavings, Copper coils, Quartz/Crystals? I realise it’s been a while since you’ve been on here? Cheers Mowgli

Hello Zombie thread! Was the following link unavailable in 2003? I noticed that it hasn’t been posted yet…(Lemmy on bass for those interested.)
Space Ritual…
Orgone Accumulator!!

Nooooo! Velikovsky is so FUN to read! I got hundreds of hours of amusement reading his stuff [I scored a box of woo books on freecycle a few years back -I also got replacement copy of Morning of the Magician by Bergier and Pauwels - the book that interested me in alchemy. Seriously fun stuff:p]

There are some really fun and interesting blogs I hit that might interest people - one debunking Ancient Aliens, Jason Colavito does discuss all sorts of woo beliefs, Paleobabble takes on misrepresentations of history, though I really get a kick out of slamming the ancient aliens. That dudes hair and body language is just so annoying [if I were trying to convince people I was in earnest I would do something about my hair and body language!]

I am kind of a middle grounder. I am open minded and interested in this kind of stuff, but try to remain grounded in sifting through the large amounts of spam.

What prompted my interest in orgone energy was a spirit market event I went to where a man stuck this pvc pipe creation over my head and I felt immense energy fluctuations. He had loaded the pvc with crystals and copper … Stuff I don’t remember exactly since it was years ago … But it was definitely something real and unexpected at these events where you cross paths with energy experiments that you have to “tap into” to believe.

Anyways, Ive had experiences with good reiki practitioners and a chakra reader who picked out bad energy from my aura and literally had me doubled up in tears not sure why I was crying, that make me “know” there is something very real about energy manipulation… But don’t classify what exactly the energy movement is good for and how to best utilize it.

I am trying to find out what was in the pvc pipe thingy as the creator has disappeared from the information sheet I saved. My question to you is can you feel orgone energy or is it something you have to “tap into”.

Orgone energy has not be shown to exist. It is complete pseudoscience, and its practices and teachings are utter bullshit.

That said, PVC is known for its ability to hold a strong static electric charge. Perhaps your hair became charged with electrons, and you felt this sensation around your head, but other than that, there’s no life-force energy out there, and what probably happened was no different than rubbing a balloon on your head.

(zombie thread noted)

No questions for the OP yet, but this is a fascinating thread.

Oh, and for those who haven’t seen Cecil’s column, here it is.

Great book for crackpots and those who love them. Well, love their crackpottery.

Do you mean Giorgio Tsoukalos, from the Ancient Aliens show? I’m about halfway through the three hour Ancient Aliens: Debunked video. I’d be further along except I have to turn it off every time he shows up. Nothing about him inspires confidence.

There’s no question that there’s such a thing as emotional armoring, and that it presents itself as tension and sore trigger points. That’s pretty well-known in the massage community. When you work on a tight trigger point with a needle or finger/knuckle/etc., there can be all kinds of emotional releases. Laughter, rage, tears, etc… I’ve experienced it myself multiple times, and heard many stories from massage and posture work practitioners.

I don’t know that Reich knew anything about trigger points, or good bodywork, though. I doubt he did. Most of the good bodywork stuff comes from China/India, and is centuries old. The rest has been discovered since Reich’s death, AFAIK.

Oh wow wow :eek: is that one those conspiracy theories that disease and illness radiated bad energy and if you had energy device that radiated proper good energy it will cure the disease and illness?
One of those lost city of Atlantis conspiracy energy heeling device.

This all too command in video games and lost city of Atlantis conspiracy.

Abe Babe I think it is one of those lost city of Atlantis conspiracy stuff going around of lost science and technology.

Like free electricity, communication device, flying craft some kind of anti-gravity they had,moving rocks and large objects with sound waves,heeling devices and such.

And war or some thing happen and city got suck in the ocean.

They claim modern science is too primitive to explain these forces or building these devices like flying craft using anti-gravity, sound waves to move objects and energy heeling devices.

Hey, Robert Reich is cool!

Huh. Are there ANY zombie threads that don’t have at least one banned member in them?

Considering how many of the most prolific SDMB posters of all time are banned, and especially in the very early years when there just weren’t as many threads period, maybe not!

Are you saying that if I bake a small quantity of dirt for an hour in a 400 degree oven, some spores will still survive?

Yes there is.

What exactly do you mean by “good bodywork stuff”?

Acupuncture has been disproven*. No evidence for the Chi of China or Prana of India has been found.

  • In studies,sticking needles in places that ancient charts say will help does help a little. Sticking needles in random places helps the same degree.

No, you are not. You are a True Believer. You believe in chakras, the woo side of reiki and “energy manipulation”

If you were not a True Believer, why were you at a “spirit market”?

So, he could have had a device generating static electricity or some other mundane explanation. Why do you discount that and claim something supernatural?

There is no evidence whatsoever that orgone exists.