Ask the Guys who are in Love with Techchick

I don’t think I’ve ever had any one create a webpage just for me before! :smiley:

I am suitably chastised.

Euty, :wink:

Well, unfortunately I missed the other related threads when they were in their prime, but if anyone’s got any questions to ask, I believe I’m qualified to answer.

[ol][li]Drop dead gorgeous[/li][li]Likes men[/li][li]Can be gotten drunk[/li][li]Can be taken advantage of (see #3)[/li][li]Bulldog attitude will keep my other girlfriends in check[/li][li]I will always have computer access[/li][li]No more yardwork for me[/li][li]Car will stay running[/li][li]Cool homepage[/li]Accepts S&H Green Stamps ;)[/ol]

Techchick: I was more or less aware of Eutychus’s intentions in creating this thread. I browsed through your thread about the “Ask The…” trend earlier, where someone (I forget who) had proposed a thread called this. As for why I nevertheless asked questions: well, I’ve been working on my straight man routine, and I thought I saw the oppurtunity to set up some comedy. But perhaps I was too dry or maybe I just appeared too clueless, as it didn’t seem to pan out.

manhattan: What’s in Denver?

BigJoe: First, nice picture. Second, you mean there are people who don’t? Third, I’m afraid I haven’t, being fairly new. Fourth…

Persephone: The two of you would make a cute couple.

Alright, one more question for The Guys who are in Love with Techchick, since it’s boggling my mind. I looked over her list of qualifications in the link Persephone posted, and noticed she likes football and hockey, but not the greatest sport ever: baseball. How will you guys attempt to live with this flaw in her character?


As a matter of fact, I did attend a Rockies game last Saturday.

Although it is not a sport I enjoy watching on TV, going to a game can be a good time. I still prefer football and hockey, and since I have never attended a pro basketball game, I haven’t really enjoyed that sport. It’s fun to play though.

'Sides, the Nuggets are and for as long as I can remember, a crappy team.

techchick wrote:

I know what you mean. Not that I feel that way about baseball, mind you, but that is basically how I feel about hockey. I almost never watch it on TV, and though I usually have a decent idea of who’s doing well and who the stars are (err, the star players, that is, not who the Dallas Stars are) from seeing highlights on SportsCenter or similar shows, I certainly don’t follow it closely. But I will go to hockey games every so often, and I have a good time at them.

I’ve had the hots for Techie since before the People Pages went up. See here So my lust is pure - although the photo sure helped. Woo hoo!!


Why, the job in my industry that is geographically nearest to techchick, of course.

I didn’t know the TechChick fan club met over here in the pit. This is one club I wanted to be a charter member of and by the time I find the place, it’s so crowded I can hardly get thru the door.

::: pushes into the room anyway :::


Well, in my case I can’t say love, exactly. After all, I scarcely know the young lady. But I had developed a strong admiration for Ms 68 long (in net time) before I knew she was a physically attractive. Her wit and aplomb coupled with surprising vulnerability (what is it about strong, but sometimes vulnerable, women?) made her stand out in the crowd of strong women here. She’s just so cool. Were circumstances in my life different I’d be off to Colorado to plight my troth. But, alas, it can never be! :frowning:

Not sure if I should post a flame or revel (sp?) in all this attention.

So many men, so little time – damnit.

Oh and Persephone, remember what I said in that other thread.

< tehe >

And I’m in love with techchick.



This is not a TA meeting.

I’ve been lusting after Techchick from afar for quite awhile now…

Revel, kid. This doesn’t happen to many people IRL, as you’ve noticed. Guys have to hold their true feelings in their hearts, which may be why their hearts give out so young. Either love or cheese fries.

Some people would see that as a plus–I mean, baseball over a good American game of football? What are you thinking? Anytime you meet a woman who actually likes football, you have defied the laws of probability and caused the universe to re-align itself so as to couteract this ridiculous upheaval in the normal order of things…

Love? I doubt it. Lust? Most definitely. Yet another time I wish I was just a tad older.

Slight hijack, but why exactly is this thread in the pit?

I found myself asking the same thing, Monster.

Part of me wants to keep it in the Pit, as it’s one of the few threads where no one is gratuitously using “felch” or “squick”.

But ultimately it needs to be moved. If I had the urge to see a bizarre mating ritual I’d turn on the Discovery Channel.

Off to the land of flowers and Zoloft with ya…

[Edited by Alphagene on 07-23-2000 at 11:36 AM]

First time I have seen a thread moved from The Pit to MPSIMS. I guess Euty was expected flames from techchick and started it in The Pit just to save the trouble of moving it later. I guess techchick didn’t have the heart to flame ole Euty since he hardly ever posts anything outside his mod role or maybe she is just in awe of the mods. I know since I was the one who suggested the thread title in the first place, if I had started it I am sure techchick would have used her legendary pit skills on me so I am glad Euty was the one who started it and all the comments have remained humorous and civil.