Bactrim - UGH!

I am close to 65 and never had any allergic reaction to anything else, but after a couple days of taking prescribed Bactrim, my entire body broke out in hives. Scared the crap out of me until I googled …

The full quote:

Ford Prefect: Preparing for hyperspace. It’s rather unpleasantly like being drunk.
Arthur Dent: What’s so wrong about being drunk?
Ford Prefect: Ask a glass of water.

  • quote snipped for brevity

Aren’t I the lucky one…I’ve been taking Bactrim daily for the past four months and haven’t had anything remotely resembling an adverse reaction.

I am actually following this thread, but for some reason [pain day, opioids probably] I am mentally reading this in the Peanuts adult waahwaahwaah voice. sigh

mrAru can’t do any sulfa based drugs, bad allergy. I can’t do most nonsulfa antibiotics, allergies. Sucks sometimes.