"Barroom brawl" scenario: Breaking chairs/barstools over somebody's head?

A fist to the temple is quite often fatal, not even considering real life bottles and furniture.

I’m starting to think no establishment should get a liquor license unless its furniture is all nerf and beanbags. And no liquor should be stocked on the shelves except in plastic bottles.

They are now all ads for stools and chairs. Might be even funnier. I have a great time checking those ads in interesting threads. :slight_smile:

now the ads have changed to “Acrylic furniture”.

So, what’s a cowboy gonna do in a saloon full of acrylic furniture? Where’s the macho?

Soooo, what kind of Harley do you ride?

How about… a boot to the head?

Man, that was funny! And no, haven’t been there myself but I may well have drank a beer next to a recent graduate on more than one occassion.

BrainGlutton Many of the bars have done pretty much this very thing. The beer comes in a plastic mug, mixed drinks in plastic cups, and the ashtrays are those little tin foil things like found in McDonalds.

CookingWithGas- 1979 Harley Davidson 80" Shovelhead. How’d ya know?

CookingWithGas where do I send the medical bill to?

My brother got hit with a bottle, he looked like an extra from a Romero movie for a few weeks.

I was witness to a nasty barroom brawl where the bartender got smashed in the face with a beer pitcher (a glass one). He was ALL fucked up. It was very scary. They had to drag him behind the bar for protection.

It’s definitely a lot rougher than the movies let on.

That’s weird. Here in Texas, the chandleier usually gets shot down just as soon as the fight starts.

Who disturbs our meditation, as a pebble disturbs the stillness of the pond?

Hmmmm…maybe I should get to Texas more often!

I’m waiting for them to be all about stool softeners.

Early on in the Steadicam Op career, I got hired to shoot a low-budget horror movie in Coney Island. It is a supremely dangerous neighborhood these days. We were in the basement of a tenement- the basement with walk-down steps from the sidewalk used to be used as a changing room for bathers a half block down, at the beach. There was to be some kind of rough scene, and the guy whose mouth was taped over with duct tape ( alarm # 1 rang off in my head ) was to be forced to his knees and his head slammed through a pane of glass. ( alarm # 2 ) Sugar glass was inserted into the french doors.

We had no stunt coordinator.

We shot a take and his head didn’t really crack the window, and we cut. The actor was fine, they ran in and pulled away the tape and gave him something to drink. We went for another take. They pull him in, yank him to his knees, shove his head through the sugar glass. The bridge of his nose bursts with blood as the fake glass cuts into him. He’s thrashing around wildly, and the actor ( and I use the term loosely ) figures he’s acting up a storm and won’t let him stand. The Director, watching from all of 10 feet away, clearly said " Oh, coooool " and that was that. I cut the camera, docked the rig and helped the guy get his face cleaned up. The Director was screaming at me for cutting on such a great moment.

So, I put my cases in my car. And I left. Drove the actor to the subway. Never went back. Fuckers. Even using break-away furniture made of balsa and sugared glass, you can injure people.

I wonder how many bar fights and terrible injuries would have been avoided in the last 100 years, if nobody had started faking them in movies? People are so highly imitative…


Related comment: after those Wetern sallon/barroom brawls, there were usually a few corpses on the floor. i assume the local untertaker would gather them up, and plant them 9at public expense). To the records of western towns/counties, in the period ca. 1880-1910 show a large number of people killed in brawls?

A drunk once got mad at me and hit me in the eye with a single blow from his fist. I was temporarily blinded in one eye. He broke three bones, pulverized the orbit (lower eye support) so much that a plastic plate was used to substitute for the missing facial structure, other bones were wired together, and I have had two operations over the years to fix resulting problems.

If that much damage can be done with one blow, I can’t imagine how real barroom brawlers can get up, shake hands and walk away without a scratch.