Battlefield 3

Can I get this on Steam? If not, where, preferably online?

I have a quad core, 8G of RAM and a 1G 6850, think I can run this ok?

EA and Steam are having a dispute and it probably won’t be on steam for a few weeks, if ever. I’m betting within 2-3 weeks.

I’m grabbing it off amazon digital since it’s $10 cheaper there than I’ve found anywhere else.

And yeah your computer will be fine.

Nvidia released a new set of drivers for Geforce cards with specific tweaks for BF 3:

Server Details:

NAME: SDMB Battlefield 3 Vent Server
PORT: 8470
PASSWORD: ceciladams

Battlefield 3
NAME: SDMB Battlefield 3
BATTLELOG: 404 That page doesn't exist Battlelog / Battlefield 3
SDMB PLATOON: SDMB 1920's Deathrays - Platoons - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 (Join us!)

Krinthis, RandMcNally and I were there for launch (the other cowards went to bed before the midnight launch due to being bad people) and I recorded the first 20-30 mintues of gameplay and cut it down into a video.

It’s not a highlight or skills video, it’s just some actual gameplay when everyone first hopped on and had no idea what they were doing. The low youtube bit rate can’t really do the video justice - it loses a lot from full quality video to youtube video. Still, best watched in 1080p full screen.

How does the gameplay and system (upgrades etc) compare to modern warfare and the previous iteration of battlefield?

Downloaded this last night and got up a bit early to give it a whirl before work.

Game does look great. I am not thrilled with the Origin system and would MUCH prefer Steam but that said it all worked fine for me.

Game looks great but I suck.

I like that you die fairly easily and are not a walking tank. I dislike how often I die and have to reload from the last save. So far the autosave (on campaign) seems frequent enough I do not lose too much and the reload times on my PC are reasonably quick. Still, when you die a lot, particularly in one place, it starts to wear on you.

In the mission Operation Sword Breaker (your first bunch of missions) I finished cutting some wires and need to run back to the street where a lot of bad guys are attacking.

I am told to run onto a bridge and man a LMG. It is here I die over and over and over again. I just cannot sort out what I am supposed to do to stay alive.

I get to the LMG (usually…bad guys are marksmen here). I sprint for it, run in cover and go prone. All methods have worked and all have gotten me killed.

Once at the LMG I try using it and usually die within seconds from RPGs or grenades or getting shot. I have tried using my scoped rifle to pick off distant bad guys on roofs to no effect. I have used the LMG and cannot seem to hit the broad side of a barn with the thing (using it prone or otherwise crouched or standing…standing is near instadeath).

It occurs to me I suck mightily at this game.

I am having fun though (mostly). The game looks fantastic. The weapons seem sufficiently different to merit one or another to make your choices mean something.

Now if I could just stop dying every 20 seconds.

Figured it out and the answer is obvious in retrospect but I was unclear on what my specific “task” was.

After that a building fell on me. :smiley:

What’s the policy on inviting people to the SDMB Vent and server?

Fully open.

We need to get people in there.

Right now there is an issue where our server isn’t showing up on the browser unless you specifically search for SDMB (trying to see if I can fix that somehow).

So please invite!

Also, if you guys have any map/game mode combos you like, let me know. I’ll make sure to include them.

Is there any good primer on what weapons are what in BF3?

I have a vague notion of the difference between SMG, Assault Rifle, LMG and so on but with the variety in BF3 I am hard pressed to decide on a weapon because I have little idea of the individual weapons’ strengths and weaknesses.

So I’m cancelling my server due to lack of support and some serious issues, and moved my order to a company that’s doing a lot better for BF3 servers.


I’ll update the server data in a bit.

Oh and unfortunately mumble server is the only affordable option, so I’ve set that up. We can use mumble, or use the SDMB vent server we got setup already, if that’s ok with the admin.

New Server Info:

**NAME: **[SDMB] 1920’s Style Deathrays BF3 Server
**URL: **
**PORT: **25200
**BATTLELOG PAGE: **(mark it as your fave!) 404 That page doesn't exist Battlelog / Battlefield 3
PLATOON: SDMB 1920's Deathrays - Platoons - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

Mumble Server

**PORT: **5150
**PASSWORD: **ceciladams

Stupid question: What’s Mumble server and how do I set it up?

Go to and download the client. You only need to install the main client, no need to install the server or the backward compatible client.

Once you’re done with the basic setup add a new server (details above), then select it and hit connect. It should prompt you for the password.

Mumbles supports an overlay, but I’m not sure if it works with BF3 yet, and it also supports 3D audio positioning (again, not sure if BF3 support exists yet) so that you can hear people’s voices coming from the direction their character appear in the game.

I’ve seen up to 8 pubs on the server so far, so it looks like I picked the right host this time.

I suspect that once you get BF3, sex and laundry will no longer be a concern.

Added the server to GameTracker:

And we have a full server ladies and gents! :wink:

I might have to set up reserved slots for some of us!

Ok, so normally when I’m just playing with a few friends in a huge game, like if one other person wants to play with me on a 32 man TF2 server, I don’t bother. After all, with only a few of you and a large number of other people, you’d hardly see each other - it barely matters that you’re playing the same game.

But since BF3 kept BC2’s squad system, and you spawn on each other and really feel like a cohesive unit, you can very much feel like you’re playing with your friends even when there’s a huge 64 man battle.

So let’s all play together, even if we can’t get 20 of us going at a time and it’s just a few of us. It’s worthwhile.

I normally organize games through steam, but since no one has BF3 on steam, I’ll have to organize it through origin instead. Contact me on there or in the BF3 social thing, name is SenorBeef there too. Make sure I know you have the game and you will get invited to play with us. Or just contact me on steam to give me your bf3 info.

Ok I’m in. Adkin1PW is my name on Origins or whatever. I’ll try to find time to play this while also commanding my actual Abrams. Gunnersabottank.