bird stealing coins from car wash machine - real pix or Photoshop® job?

And I bet you believe that Neil Armstrong really walked on the moon, eh? Then why won’t Buzz Aldrin swear to it on the Bible? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Scarlett67. I didn’t think to check Snopes since the link didn’t come to me in a mass e-mail, but I forget that the Snopes site covers a wide variety of subjects.

It seems like almost everyone (except Trancey) agrees that the phots are real. I’m still surprise that the bird would be able to crawl inside the machine and pull out quarters. You would think that the quarters would be hidden inside a bin somewhere deep in the bowels of the coin changer.

correction: almost everyone (except Trancey and Magickly Delicious)

Don’t make me post to this thread!

I’d bet that the birds managed to find a quarter or two accidentaly left in the tray, and just worked their way further into the machine looking for more.

Speaking as an ornithologist, I don’t see any reason to doubt the story is true. Starlings are hole-nesting birds, and I can believe they might enter the kind of dark cavity represented by the slot just exploring for potential nest sites. And once the found bright shiny objects inside - Bingo!

I always thought starlings were a pox. Next spring I’ll be looking for fledgelings that I can train to fetch.

I don’t see why this is beyond the capacity for birds.
A bird of the size of those pictured could easily get quite deep into such a machine; and I don’t think the intelligence is beyond a bird either.
Of course they are low quality, Trancey. They’re amatuer photographs. AMATEUR. This was never intedend to be art.
And there are no artefacts in the photographs of doctoring.
It’s real, and it’s a cool, amusing story which reminds us not to underestimate our feathred friends.
Why the need to doubt the thing?