Burning books in the US...'Burn Quran Day'

A few things…

Can we have a link to a news article about this, and not an editorial?

While I think burning the Koran is stupid, it isn’t un-American. Burning something in protest is very American. What is un-American is when the government burns books in order to keep people from reading them.

Interestingly, this group has “Outreach” as part of its name. I stopped buying irony meters a long time ago-- they just don’t last very long.

Don’t forget waving your dick in their faces. Wouldn’t want to leave that out.

You need to get ones with fast acting overload protection.

I have on occasion seen/read news stories about Christian Coalition/Moral Majority types doing that sort of thing over the years; burning or otherwise destroying books, music, games, movies. And I was told to do so as a child, back when I was being taught to be a “good Christian”.

Sure, John, though you could Google them up yourself. :stuck_out_tongue: At any rate, I found this and this (ironically saying that they can’t get a permit to do the burning). There here is the facebook page they mentioned.

There are a lot of other links on Google about this, but mainly they seem to be opinion pieces.

Yeah, I guess you are right. It just strikes me as odd that American’s would burn books. It seems so anti-American to me for some reason.


I expect it’s because you’ve heard the propaganda about how tolerant America is so often that you’ve come to believe it.

I guess I have. But then, you’ve heard the propaganda about how evil America is that you’ve come to believe that as well. Based on how little traction this event is getting outside of the loony religious sectors, I’d say that my take is closer to reality than yours is. You notice they were denied a permit to burn the books, and that the local community is up in arms?


As I understand it, Muslims do not react to desecrations of the Koran in at all the same way as Christians would react to desecrations of the Bible. Christians don’t much mind that much – burn one Bible, there are still plenty of copies in the world. Muslims may purport to reject all forms of idolatry, but any copy of the Koran (at least, in the original Arabic – translations are merely “commentaries”) is a sacred object to them and – I make no exaggeration – is almost identified with God. Destroying or desecrating it is a very, very big deal.

From a review of Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes, by Tamim Ansary:

Them believing such horseshit does not validate it. It’s still a big pile of stinky stuff. Nobody that doesn’t live in an Islamic state has any obligation to observe the rules of that faith.

Fuck Mohammed. I think he was a pervert, and probably fucked pigs.

Fuck the Koran. It’s just a book. Paper, ink, bindings.

Fuck Allah. He doesn’t exist anyway.

Fuck Islam. They don’t rule the world. People that disagree with their religion have every right to do so.

Having the right to do something doesn’t mean that it is necessarily a wise idea to do so.

Being annoyed by an offense, and deciding that the best course of action to stop offenses is to offend back, is the very opposite of wise. It’s cognitive dissonance in rather stark action.

This sounds bad on the surface, but if you really think about it, all they’d be doing is giving money to Islamic book publishers. Where are they going to get the Qur’ans? They’re going to have to buy them to burn them. Ka-ching for the Muslim publishing companies (and maybe a few Barnes & Noble outlets).

While the words “book burning” sound bad, they’re only really insidious when they involve trying to take books away from people, restrict access to them or remove them from the public sphere. People burning their own property is of no real concern to anybody (except maybe the fire Department). If a few knuckleheads want to burn their own money for a protest that will have no really affect on anyone else, confiscate any books from anyone who doesn’t want a book confiscated or infringe on anyone else’s rights, then this is stupid and pointless, but basically harmless and within the bounds of free speech.

We need people to mail in these or the equivalent for the bonfire, then publicize their Bible-burning afterward.

All Muslims are anti-free speech? All Muslims need to be insulted for the offenses of a few?

I don’t care about the book burning as I posted above, but this idea that they all deserve to be insulted is stupid.

Who gives a fuck about someone burning a flag, by the way?

Yeah, I can see that. Except that I don’t think that’s how it would be viewed in other country’s. Granted, that’s really their problem I suppose, but it’s going to have a negative impact on places like Pakistan and Afghanistan, especially, at least if the article I linked to in the OP is to be believed. Something as simple as burning your own property could actually cost lives, and will certainly further cost us good will in the region…and at a time when we had the potential to actually start chipping away at the bad will we’ve managed to generate in the last few decades (especially in the last decade).


Frankly, burning Korans is tacky. Not the kind of thing I would do. Not the kind of thing I would recommend doing. But it is certainly lawful expression. As is burning the flag.

However, we (ie, all freedom loving people) can’t give an inch to these fuckers. If they see any signs of progress in forcing others to follow their religious rules, they’ll redouble their efforts to worm that shit into law anyway they can. Zero tolerance for that crap. Islam is not special. Islam gets no special protection not afforded to every other reliegion…Including the Church of Oak, which I just formed. Our most holy tradition is that SEC Football is a religious experience, and no other programming should ever be shown opposite an SEC football game, because that is a sin against Bear Bryant, the Holy Father of the Wishbone. Amen.

All you blasphemers out there better repent. Or the Bear gonna come whup yo ass.

When did you turn into Der Trihs?

Who’s saying that nobody has a right to disagree with their religion. There’s a difference between disagreeing with a religion and going out of your way to deliberately insult everyone who believes in it.

You’re devious. I like that.

This does for stupid what eternity does for time.

Something being lawful doesn’t make it necessarily a good idea, either.

I see no reason to believe that your understanding of cause and effect in these situations is to be trusted. Your response to being offended is to go out and cause offense, and yet you expect others to act differently. Too, what sign of progress is being seen here? What inch has been given? That Korans are going unburned? You want to send your message, you have to tie it to an actual act. Not just a a general “they’ve got to learn, the bastards!”.

Correct. But that works both ways. It deserves no special protection; it deserves no special scorn. Burning a Koran is like having one person insult you, then deciding the best course of action to get them to stop is to go and insult their entire family. It’s moronic and counter-productive.

I am very interested in your belief system and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
You do have a newsletter don’t you?
All good new religions need a newsletter.
How about a website?

Is it acceptable to watch ACC football, or is that against the will of Bear Bryant (pbuh)?