Can meat be both halal and kosher?

There’s this site. Book two is missing, though

Here’s a better one, in both English and Hebrew

OK, so we’ve got the kosher side down (pretty much had it down from the start, but that’s ok, always good to get details.) But I can’t find much about halal slaughtering on the web (or here.)

Fro the record, the situation I’m thinking of is like what DocCathode described. Basically, a halal-keeping Muslim, and a kosher-keeping Jew sitting down and sharing Kosher/Halal steak or chicken. (not rabbit, or wine, or cheese, or anything that might be acceptable to one but not the other)

(The idea being that many communites don’t have enough jews to support a kosher butcher or restarant, or enough muslims for a halal butcher or restaurant, but maybe could support a combined shop. Of course this assumes everyone involved is willing to put aside their lingering prejudices long enough to go there.)

So, from what’s been said I’d imagine, if a Muslim said the halal prayer, and then a jewish shochet said his prayer and slaughtered the animal,(and assuming the soaking/salting process and glat/disease checking processes are ok for halal) we’d all be happy? Or does the halal process require a muslim slaughterer? (if so, there goes the whole idea)

Thanks Captain Amazing. I was actually looking for the Shulchan Aruch, not the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, but nonetheless, that’s a useful site to bookmark.

Thank you.

Zev Steinhardt

Oops…my bad. I’ll keep on looking. :slight_smile:

zev, I’m not sure if these will help, but still: This looks rather interesting.

(I did a google search for “Shulchan Aruch” and said to exclude pages that had “Kitzur”, so hopefully these could help. :slight_smile:

No, there isn’t an online (as in Web-accessible) version of the whole Shulchan Aruch, at least not that I know of - more’s the pity. (Sorry about getting your hopes up, Zev! I should have said “computer-based” rather than “online.”)

I used to just use Mechon Mamre’s MTR package (which is where Snunit gets their online texts from; I assume that’s the site you were referring to) - it’s a freeware download. A couple of months ago my wife bought me Tanach Plus (from - the same site as in zweisamkeit’s second link, but product #336), which contains the Shulchan Aruch (with Mishnah Berurah) as well as a lot of other highly useful sefarim. Definitely worth the $89.95, IMO, especially considering that Bar-Ilan charges several times as much for essentially the same collection of texts.

Gut Yom Tov,

I’m Jewish and keep Kosher, and know very little about Halal, but after grepping the internet, I found.

  1. The Quran explicitly permits the meat of “The People of the Book”. (Quran 5:4)
  2. It also requires that G-d’s name be pronounced before each slaughter.

Kosher mean pronounces G-d’s name as part of a beracha (blessing), but not before each slaughter; Only upon entering the slaughter area.

This site takes a strict view that for this reason, and other issues of trust, Kosher meat is not halal:

With that said, I’ve heard stories of Muslims eating Kosher meat in 19th century Palestine. I once heard that there are places where kosher meat is slaughtered by Jews, but a muslim quickly recites G-d’s name before each slaughter, thereby making the meat Halal. I do not have sources for these anecdotes. Has anyone else heard this?