Commit Cultural Heresy: No Cow Too Sacred.

Peanuts. Boring, repetitive, holier-than-thou, pretentious.

The Rolling Stones are the definition of suck. They rode the Beatles’ coattails over here and churned out 40 years of crap, the last 30 of which have been on the reputation of the first ten.

Speaking of which, Stuff White People Like is stupid. But I guess they couldn’t get a cushy book deal out of Stuff East Coast Hipsters Like.


This isn’t a reply about the sacred cow; just a complaint about your post. It goes beyond head-bludgeoning the cow, to insulting most of your fellow Dopers. We should probably keep this to our own opinions about the bit of culture in question, rather than our opinions about people whose taste differs from our own.

Mine: Don’t care for the “Internet”. I think it’s a stupid fad; don’t own a “computer”, don’t know how to “get online” (whatever the Hell that means); don’t even know how to type.

The Beatles. I ventured into the Idol Thread on Beatles Weeks, and people who normally say that you must take chances said stuff along the lines of

Come on - you aren’t 14 anymore. It’s no longer required to drool over them at every turn. You can admit that that there are other ways to do their music. Some are even better.
Or maybe the dope is populated by people who would never remove their tatoo of the boys of N’Sync by the time they’re 40.

Music is supposed to be live. If you’re listening to a recording you’re a fake, and you’re part of the problem with music today. We need to stop listening to recordings, and spend more of our entertainment monies on live performances.

Okay, seriously: Not crazy about most of Steven Spielberg’s stuff. Technically, the guy is brilliant, but he doesn’t know a good script from a bad one, he never met a cliche he didn’t like, and his movies are generally pitched at about a ten-year-old intellectual and emotional level (okay, a bright ten-year-old). Schindler’s List was an extraordinary exception, though even that was marred by John Williams’ crappy music.

So… how… did… you… <head asplodes>

You speak for most of my fellow dopers? Or do you just like wearing your junior woodchuck mod hat?

The Grateful Dead

Never had any use for them. There is a difference between improvisation and making up shit as you go along with no discipline whatsoever.

FWIW, the first time I saw a performance of The Taming of the Shrew I was captivated and highly amused. I can’t recall whether I was laughing out loud, but I was thoroughly into it. So was my sister.

Back in the day, you couldn’t go to the channel scrawl to find out what was on, and my parents didn’t get TV guide. It wasn’t until the PBS performance finished that I realized that what I (at 11-12) and my 7-8 yo sister had been enthralled by was Shakespeare. I was shocked, to say the least.

I don’t know, now, if I’d find the humor as enjoyable, I’m a different person. But I did then, and as a far more culturally aware person than I am, now.

I think he’s talking about this part:

Which I don’t think addresses the sacred cow, but rather the followers.

Seconded. I know a doctor who wears GD ties, has every recording of every concert etc. And all I can think is–do you ever listen to anything else?

But for me, it’s Dylan. I can’t even listen to his voice. I think his playing sucks, his tunes are self-absorbed melancholy and he convinced and entire generation that he was The Cool. Too bad he didn’t die young, to keep that flame alive. What did Dylan do for music? Seriously? I think his greatest contribution was to tell Lennon that he should pay attention to the lyrics. After that (and some mind bending drugs, I’m sure) Lennon’s songs became more complex. McCartney’s did not.

I think Mr Rogers was a wanker. I thought his show took eccentric to a surreal place–Mr McFeely? Gah. King Egotism or whatever his name was? The coolest part of the show was the train set in the opening credits. It all went downhill from there.

James Dean. Mumbling and whining isn’t acting. And driving when you’re drunk is stupidity not rebellion.

Thirded on the sports issue. And I find the fanatic following of college sports even sillier. Which is particularly annoying since I moved here, since it’s almost impossible to avoid being bombarded with the UNC/Duke rivalry, March Madness - the headline on The News & Observer today is “1+1+1+1= Final Four”, along with an article on the upcoming UNC/Kansas game which takes up over half of the front page.

I know the fastest possible way to piss off Star Wars fans: Yoda sucks. He’s incredibly annoying, far more than even Jar Jar Binks because no one will admit he is. He should’ve been killed far far before he ever met Luke. There, I said it.

There is nothing wrong with being a furry fan, but there are some really really screwed up furries. There, I’ve pissed off both sides of the argument at once. takes a bow

Titanic does not suck and richly deserved it’s B. Picture Academy Award.


The White Stripes, and by association, The Raconteurs. “I Fell In Love With A Girl” was a pretty good song, but that’s about it. Jack White is a friggin’ ass for complaining that people believe what’s written in his shitty little press releases.

And that new website for the Raconteurs is just horrible. Faux-EGA graphics on a page that automatically resizes your browser screen? Give me a break. If I want to see graphics that stupid I’ll watch WarGames again.

Michael Moorcock: hack. Also, Elric = Drizzt Do’Urden. Not the cooler variant of the latter ripoff – the same thing.