Could this be heroin track marks on this model?

Wiki supports that idea. But it also says “girds the torso and shapes it”. So I see no issue with someone wanting to use it for simply fashionable reasons. Flat or not, she’s got it going on.

Looks like they fixed it on the zoom and enlarged photos, if not the original.

And it’s not really much of a corset or a vest. More like a halter-top with a zipper (for convenience, I imagine).

There isn’t enough dope in the world to make that fun.

FWIW, as of today the photo has been edited, and the bruise/whatever is no longer there.

Thanks for that, I was reading the thread just now and thought I’d gone blind because I couldn’t see any mark on her arms.


It varies widely. It could be a huge, ugly scar, or a tiny freckle, or nothing at all.

Okay–glad you said this, b/c I was beginning to think that I was going even more crazy that I generally admit to.

Me: “The little tattoo thing on the back of her arm? Whaaaa?”