Could we blow up the moon?

The water would go down the plug hole at the North Pole and fill the hollow Earth.

Jeez. Everyone knows that. Don’t you listen to Coast to Coast AM?

See How to Destroy the Earth, How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest, and then just divide everything by 81.

Sounds like somebody already tried to do it four years ago:

The bad astronomer says it would take a 100 billion megaton bomb just to get the results seen in Armageddon.

I’m guessing it’d be a no for the moon.

Why am I always the last to know?

No-one is going to blow up the moon in an election year people.

Could we put Newt Gingrich and his followers up there first, please? Then we can talk about blowing the place up.


Beat me to it!

If you’re going to blow up the moon in an election year, please wait until after mid-October. I’m going to visit the Bay of Fundy and I want to see the big tides.

After that, go ahead.

Believe it or not, there already is one of those in the Solar System. Behold, Janus and Epimetheus.

The Moon is well above the Earth’s Roche limit, by a considerable margin, and so it would re-form in a relatively short time. You only get proper rings below the Roche limit.

“Earthlings — every galaxy has 'em, or something like 'em, I suppose,” Clax 972 thought. “They see a moon and their only curiosity is how to blow it up.”

Clax 972 reached out with a left tentacle and pushed a lever. A wide beam of dark red light shot from the insecticide cruiser’s bow. It shot past the system’s sun then the red planet, and a few seconds later boiled the Atlantic moments before Earth disintigrated into particles no larger than grains of sand on his home planet. Already they were nearly invisible as they dispersed through space.

Clax 972 glanced up at his work schedule. Only one more infestation to eradicate. Well, this tour wasn’t so bad; Andromeda was relatively close, and after that he could set the cruiser for home.

Self-satisfaction slowly turned Clax 972 cyan, for there was no higher honour than making the universe safe for civilization.

The cruiser turned to head for a system in the nearby galaxy. As it gathered way, Clax 972 slept.

That is way cool. And more argument in favor of the Moon being a planet. And then through attenuated logic showing that Pluto is still a planet after all. Shove it up your asses anti-Plutists.

[Moderator Note]

drewtwo99, political jabs are not permitted in GQ. No warning issued, but don’t do this again.

General Questions Moderator

I can’t believe you passed up the chance to say “Shove it up Uranus.”:smiley:

A few years ago, I calculated the energy to dissect the moon (to give all the mass in the moon escape velocity - I took into account the fact that after the outer surface is taken away, the escape velocity decreases) and got 1.24 * 10^29 joules - pretty close to your approximation. We’re both neglecting the non-gravitational binding energy of the moon’s material, but that’s going to be pretty small compared to the gravitational binding.

An Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator?

To put that into perspective, even if all fossil fuels and uranium reserves were put together into one big bomb, they would fall far short of the required energy; according to Wikipedia, fossil fuel reserves contain 3.9×10^22 joules and uranium reserves 2.2×10^23 joules, for a total of 2.59 x 10^23 joules, only around a millionth of the required energy (also only about half the energy in the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact, and far larger impacts have occurred on the Moon).

Yeah; I figured out it would take the kinetic energy of Ceres (the largest asteroid) moving at 50 km/sec or Halley’s comet at 35,000 km/sec to approach that amount of energy.

Damn! You’re right. I missed an opening there.

Why in God’s name would this be a recurring topic, blowing up the moon? People have too much free time on their hands or what?