"Dad, hold your new baby son..."

Look, the little guy already has his Doper name, awww!

Congratulations on the new one! Sounds like he is going strong, but I’m sorry you have to wait to bring him home. I’m sure he’ll be putting you through your paces soonest :slight_smile:

Congrats! And yay for modern medicine that takes care of these incidents so quickly and effectively!

Adding my congrats. Some of the very best hours of my life were spent at the 2am feedings with my infants, just the baby and me awake in the world…

Congratulations! As others have said, your life will be completely different from now on. But in wonderful ways.

My son spent a few days in the NICU too, when he was first born. But now he’s a happy, healthy two year old. Actually I have to chase him all over the house.

Congratulations! Our second ended up in the NICU, too, for similar reasons, although minus the IV’s and ventilators and such. He just came down the chute so fast that he didn’t really get properly wrung out and still had some fluid in his lungs. Not that a NICU stay is anything you’d wish for, but since little Aragorn will come through fine in short order, the silver lining is that Mom gets a few more nights to rest and recover than she would if you went straight home. As was pointed out to us, the NICU is, among other things, a REALLY good babysitting service.

You will likely find that there’s nothing quite like parenting to show how true this is.

Best wishes during your hospital stay, and for the joyous adventure you’ve embarked on.

Why wouldn’t his mother appreciate a distinguished name like Aragorn Picard?

I bet she was hoping for Frodo Kirk Tildrum.

At least he isn’t Bombadil Q.


Congratulations to your family, Tom Tildrum, on the birth of young Aragorn.

Very soon, all this NICU business will be a faint memory.

Congratulations! Try not to be too embarrassed at having the biggest baby in the NICU. :wink:

Pictures? Pictures? Where are the pictures?!?!?!

Sah-weet! If you ever need a babysitter, just write.

Seriously, dude? You’re a doper. How can you screw up a Jeopardy! joke? The correct [del]answer[/del] question is “What is ‘Words I’ll never hear’?” Sheesh. This guy…

Too Jewish.


Sleep in, if you can. It’ll be your last time to get an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep for a very, very long time.

Joy to the World!

(Usually associated with the birth of a different infant, but it’ll do.)

“Little guy”? I say eight pounds is not that little. :wink:

Congratulations on your new little warrior! :cool:

My son was 10lbs, even. 4.54 kgs and all I saw after an emergency C section was a flash of indigo eyes then they went to work on him. Then to NICU, where he was the moose among mice. Then eventually Children’s Hospital of Western ON, where he went full on code blue in their ER.

Now almost nine years later I just wish he would be quiet for a while so Mommy can get some sleep before night shift. I miss my baby though, and most of the NICU nurses.

Not having baby with you though is hard. Returning to my Ronald McDonald house room every night without my little big guy was the hardest thing I ever want to face in this life time. Sorry to hear that little Strider Picard is still in hospital but glad Mommy is doing fine and that he is big and strong and otherwise healthy. You did everything right, imagine how you would be beating yourself up if you hadn’t?

Congrats! I hope you guys are able to sleep, I know when they took my girl to the nursery specifically so I could get some sleep I still lay there staring for hours.

I wanted to name her Riker, for real, but ultimately I was worried we’d get too many questions about it. I still kinda wish we had.

Thanks, everyone. These reassurances mean a lot. He’s continuing to improve, and we got to hold him today.

He is indeed the biggest of the NICU bunch. I’ve been happy to see, though, that several of his preemie and twin colleagues are sleeping peacefully in what look like normal cribs, without the need for ventilation or incubation.

Congratulations both on the baby and on a wife with good taste in names. I look forward to the stories of “he wasn’t even crawling and then he suddenly took off running!”


Days will seem like they last forever, but looking back, it will all have gone by so fast.


Baby will be just fine. Sounds like they are doing all of the right things.

Another Baby Doper !!!