DC Sniper to be executed tonight

So, your regular Tuesday routine won’t be affected, then.

Indeed. note that as a basic matter, it may well be Just and even Righteous to execute this man. His crimes are abhorrent, morally outrageous, and flagrantly wicked in motive and deed. As far as it goes, he clearly and unequivocably deserves death , period, full stop. The Church wants to preserve mercy, but that’s not an absolute. Rather, we believe we can now practically show mercy (where in earlier ages it was often, and sometimes still is, impractical or dangerous to otherwise deal with criminals), and that we ought to try, not that this man somehow does not deserve his punishment.

I can agree with just about everyone here. I am opposed to the DP, but lack the courage of my convictions when faced with a case like this.

More interesting is the case of Lee Boyd Malvo, who was 17 at the time of the killings. He cooperated with the investigation and was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The Supreme Court is now looking at the legality of life sentences for minors.

In the Washington Post some ex-US senator (a Republican) recounted his misspent youth (arson, destruction of federal property) and how he turned himself around. He said kids are just too stupid to really deserve life imprisonment. He proposed a maximum sentence equal to the minor’s age.

I like the idea. If I am willing to kill John Allen Mohammed, so showing my bloody side, I want to give this kid another chance.

If you want consistency, buy a dog.

Remains to be seen. Usually, I can’t cum.

I think that he deserves to stay in prison, but seeing the condition of the American incarceration system, I would suggest moving him to our lunar penitentiary.

It exists, damn it. I’ve seen it in my telescope. The TRUTH SHALL BE REVEALED.

Which brings up another advantage of the death penalty - once a person is executed, no more legal maneuvers.

I can’t remember the guy’s name, but he was sentenced to die, then had his sentence changed to life in prison without parole. Then it was changed again, and he killed again.


May God have mercy on John Allen Mohammed. And good riddance.


I saw on CNN that the execution is scheduled for 9:00pm. What’s the point of scheduling an execution in the middle of prime time unless you broadcast it?:stuck_out_tongue:

Trying to feel some sympathy. Trying harder…

Nope… not there.

(Maybe if he hadn’t killed the very funny lady I bought liquor from I’d feel it more… but I doubt it.)

My objections to the death penalty are mostly of matter of not trusting the government to kill the right people, and because it’s too expensive. I don’t really care either way if an actual multiple murderer is going to be executed; I just regard it as a waste of effort. He was already stopped.

Part of the Sermon on the Mount:

You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”
But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

And I agree with Martin Hyde that though the Catechism allows for execution in cases where there is no alternative, this isn’t one.

I pretty much agree with Martin Hyde, except for completely non-religious reasons, as I’m a completely non-religious person. I’m anti Death Penalty, and I have no struggle with holding to that view even in this case. Part of that is, like **Xtisme **says, I’d rather think rotting in jail is as bad, or worse, than being executed. I don’t necessarily wish the guy to get raped, but he should be serving some serious hard time in jail for the rest of his living days.

It matters to some. I’m fine with dangerous people behind bars where they can’t continue to cause problems. If they’re happy, if they’re sad, if they reform or find God or become little prison kingpins, none of that matters to me.

I can’t see it happening. It would fail as a deterrent then for the same reason it does now, whatever that is. You’d think the threat of death would keep people from doing awful things, but it doesn’t.

I’m against the death penalty, partly because I think the system is sure of itself a lot of times when it’s wrong (in fact that’s demonstrably so), but also because I think it’s revenge and not punishment.

So even though I’m sure this is the guy, I still wish our society was better than to kill him to show that killing is wrong.

It never has before, nor is it likely to start. People who think they won’t get caught aren’t going to be deterred by a penalty they don’t think they will face. And those who don’t trust the system to be fair aren’t going to be deterred by a penalty they think can and will be levied against them even if they are innocent.

I’m against the death penalty, but I’m not sorry to see him go. Eh, I’m human. But for people like him, death’s too good and probably pointless. There’s really no good anywhere in any of this, other than he got caught and stopped…

the two minute warning is on…

Sssshhhh! Thats a secret! Besides most of the public doesn’t know that the real moon was blown out of orbit on September 13th, 1999.

I was saying that basically tongue in cheek. That said, so what if he does? What if he WANTS to die? What if he likes prison food? The essential point here is that he is locked away and can do no more harm to society. He can rot in prison, and if he enjoys that, well, that’s no skin off my nose one way or the other. He’s locked up and away for good, and can do whatever he likes in obscurity for the rest of his natural life.

Understand, I’m not an ‘eye for an eye’ kind of guy, so I’m not particularly looking for vengeance here (despite what I said about being used as a fuck toy by a hairy guy named Bubba ;)). The important thing for me is that he can do no harm to society for the rest of his natural life. Perhaps he will come to regret his actions some time down the road…perhaps not. Doesn’t really matter to me, so long as he is locked away.

Not even a little bit. The only thing that would change my mind is if he were paroled 5 years from now and set free again. In his case however, I don’t see that as a viable possibility.


I hate the death penalty . I only feel sadness when we kill someone. I feel sad because we are so bloodthirsty. We are all being diminished a bit tonight. Someday we be evolved and not feel good about taking a life. It is so 3rd world . It is atavistic . It is wrong.

I have no problem with JAM being executed, but my understanding is those passages don’t “demand” an eye for an eye or a life for a life, they “limit” the reprisals. If your brother kills mine then I can kill him and that’s justice but there it ends- I can’t do anything to you or to your brother’s kids as well as killing him; likewise if I fight you and blind you in an eye then you are allowed to punish me by taking one of my eyes but you can’t take both or you can’t kill me because that is not justice.

Executed, declared dead at 21:11.