Di-hydrogen monoxide is falling from the sky!

No, since my commenting negatively about it will not bring a cessation to its precipitive state. It is all right though. I am emancipated and nothing is causing me to fret.

Yes, but it may take some time for the effects to materialize.

Why, was there something unusual about this?

Since it’s the Daily Wail, I suspect this is a put-on. But just in case, if this were really happening, I would suspect it’s not the water giving her hives but some local trace pollutant. She could then drink Diet Coke because the Coke bottler would be getting water from a different source.

Hydrogen Hydroxide is your friend!

There’s a Douglas Adams quote posted by **Guano Lad **in another threadthat speaks to that. It’s #55.

Aaaaannnndddd… THIS is why I love the dope so much.

Just to be the obligatory asshole pedant of the thread, the chemical name for water (if you must use one) is oxidane, not dihydrogen monoxide.

Continue with the frivolity.

Pretty much. The USP Monograph for Sterile Purified Water (also for Sterile Water for Injection) requires that 0.3mL of saturated potassium chloride (in water, natch) get added to every 100mL of water sample for testing. The allowable result is actually 5.0-7.0.

Here’s more than you want to know about the water used in pharmaceutical products.

Water is actually one of the more elaborately tested and validated products I ever worked with in the lab. It had to be verified every day, can’t be used more than 24 hours after dispensing, goes through complex deionizing and degassing procedures, etc. It’s actually a very large cost of many injectable and ophthalmic products, not to mention heavily used in manufacturing and cleaning of pretty much anything. Expensive ingredient.

Leaffan are you affected by the wildfires and drinking water ban?
Sorry for not being funny in this thread. I’m not in a funny mood :stuck_out_tongue:

If you manage to capture enough of it, you can successfully cook it. However, you must use the proper kitchen techniques and equipment. Here is a guide to doing so:


According to environmental scientists, every one of the planet’s oceans, rivers and lakes now contains at least 50% DHMO.

(Actually, oxidane sounds a lot scarier.)

No. I’m on my own well. And frankly I’m surprised the whole aquifer hasn’t dried the fuck up by now.

I Am Not A Doctor, but I’ve heard that the antidote is an eclectic cocktail of gases known technically as AIR. Sounds radical, but if you’re lucky enough to find some, doctors advise inhaling it continuously, and you should be okay. Disclaimer: As always, consult a physician first.

Here’s hoping you read this in time. And you’re welcome.

Whilst some of my educated friends like to say correlation does not imply causation, with the possibility of showering eventually leading to death I like to play it safe and I always always cover myself in butter prior to showering. This prevents excessive skin contact with the stuff. Stay hydrophobic my friends.

I’ve always understood that DHMO is a universal solvent as well. So if it’s falling from the sky, you will definitely need face protection if you must go out in it, or your face will melt and end up looking like one of those fancy straw-covered wine bottles with the candle wax dripped down all over it.

As for the guy who (shudder) showered nekkid in the stuff, you are doomed. If you can stomach any further comtemplation of your fate, you need to watch The Wizard of Oz again. Pay close attention to the fate of the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s happening to you right now, even as you read this!

P. S. I’m thinking that “hydrogen hydroxide” must be a more accurate chemical name than “dihydrogen monoxide”.

I do know that over-application of DHMO to my dog’s skin causes him to go into paroxysms of almost uncontrollable shaking from his nose to his tail until he has displaced most of the substance from his body.

According to preliminary reports by CSIC, in coordination with CDC and WHO, the source of the “heat” appears to be electromagnetic radiation. Caution is advised: please do wear your personal protective gear, including body-and-head covering as well as polarised goggles.

Awfully dangerous and inhospitable planet you humans chose to inhabit. Was there some rational story behind that?

It was there, making puppy eyes at us…

The description in the Guide said, “Mostly harmless.”