Diogenes the Cynic, Fount of Perfect Knowledge

DtC is very liberal. If the entire human race actually shared his views and lived by them we would be a rational peaceful society.
From his post in various threads, his posted views are not well grounded in the real world, but would seem to indicate a much rosier view of the world than most of us have.

As a point of irony, I would say he was far less cynical then most.

Meaning, of course, that the innocent have nothing to fear from the police. Would that this were true. Accusations can ruin lives just as thoroughly as convictions, especially in the era of zero-tolerance.

On the topic of this thread, I’ve often thought Diogenes the Cynic should change his name to Diogenes the Self-Righteous, just out of a sense of truth in advertising. His notable pit flamouts regarding the nobility of taking a girl’s virginity under false pretenses, flaunting school rules designed to protect students with violent alergies to peanut butter, advocating forcing secular education on children being religiously educated, and numerous other topics have more than earned him the moniker modification.


Well, two out of three ain’t bad.


Cute, but actually read the thread for context, willya? Diogenes states that because bombing of industrial sites in World War II meant killing civilians, those Americans who fought in World War II were evil, and he is convinced that God (if there is one) agrees with him.

He equated a foreigner’s life with an American life. What the fuck was HE smoking?


You didn’t mention the race of the basketball players. That makes your jackass call on Kalhoun accurate, IMO. He also suggested that you move if you didn’t like what was going on. You understand, and Kalhoun doesn’t, that the stakes naturally go up when you buy a house. Moving is a much more complicated option at that point. I’ll see your jackass, and raise it to douche-bag.

Does anyone know his real address? Maybe someone should call him in? There should be some sort of House Committee we can dob these types in to IMHO.

Don’t be ridiculous. And I’m with DTC. Dresden et al were a war crimes and if God existed, he would agree.

Where he goes way over the line is where calls those who disagree psychopaths.

CS?? What’s that? Will I be sorry I asked? :eek:

Hey, if D the C was rational and thoughtful and positive… he’d be boring!


What in John Corrado’s post do you find ridiculous?

You will have to try much harder to achieve his level of unassailable rightness. Maybe call anyone who disagrees a psychopath.

A statement of “fact” that has been debated by intelligent people for over 60 years. I’m glad you two have it all worked out.

Do you believe that this meaningless statement scores some rhetorical point? If so, could you explain?

Cafe Society, one of the other SDMB forums.

CS Lewis. We’re tackling apologetics after this. :slight_smile:

You need some educumashun on what “cynic” means in the sense that **DtC **uses it. :slight_smile:

I think a lot of people need to remember that ZSofia is living alone. She has a small yapping dog as company. You may call her nosy and paranoid, but from what she’s described, especially the quick stops outside the house, something odd is going on. I think she was right to call. After all, it’s her neighborhood too.

Weed = smack? When did that happen?

I’m not a property owner, but I confess, I’m really confused about how this is supposed to work. Wouldn’t lower property values mean a lower property tax rate? I’d think that would be a good thing.

I think it all comes down to discretion. If I had a neighbor and I knew for a fact that (s)he was dealing some marijuana, but it were being done discretely, I would not interfere. On the other hand, if a neighbor were possibly doing something illegal in an obvious/indiscrete mannner, I would call the cops.

As far as basketball, I think it should not have an impact on how you respond. Hockey on the other hand. . .

Nope, think resale value of your investment.

I know, I was purposely playing up the modern American meaning as I playing for the irony. Cynicism