Do lesbians enjoy penetration?

I think she is just about to be bored. :wink:

You do know that anal, vaginal and mouthal penetration are different, don’t you?

I always thought that this was why lesbians switched to the PPK from “that damned Baretta”. :smiley:

Errr…oh my, yes I’m not likely to mistake any one for the other. Very different sensations. But in many ways the same idea, one that many het guys are put of by, to the lose of their own pleasure.

I am a heterosexual man. Thank you for sharing your opinion on the question: Do lesbians enjoy penetration? I have never had the balls to ask a real lesbian this question. It is a deep penetrating question to ask any woman who, of course, is no longer a virgin.

Tried it, didn’t like it.

But did you try it mouthal?

ew, zombie lesbian thread

Hey, Qadgop, necrophiliacs need love too, regardless of orientation.

As long as they are being penetrated by liberty and equality of opportunity.

In fact, zombies can find so many more creative alternatives – why should they limit themselves to just three orifaces?

Skullfucking just took on a whole nother layer of meaning.

I’m kinda happy this thread got bumped just so I had the chance to read the phrase “mouthal penetration”

That’s right up there with “full frontal, sidal, and backal nudity”.

Or, to quote my new favorite student essay “He went from being antagonistic to protagonistic.” :slight_smile:

Although a gerbil or hamthter ith more traditional.

Lesbian here. I don’t like penetration. I like to penetrate other women though. :slight_smile:

Heh heh. That’s what she said.
I am not a woman, of either the hetero- or homosexual variety, but I suspect that, among heterosexual women you’d find a variety of answers to “Do you enjoy penetration?”: some who enjoy penetration for its own sake; some who enjoy being penetrated by particular people because of how they feel about those people; and some who are neutral or worse about the penetration part of sex but participate because their partners enjoy it.

With what? Where? I hate vague generalities.

"Ooh, do you feel that?


