Do You eat a lot of Honey?

I’ve never been crazy for honey. Just the overly-sweet, syrupy taste…Something about it that makes me shudder.
But, one time I picked up a bottle in a honey shop in Kyoto, and I was hooked on that stuff like it was crack. I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me, just a honey shop in the mall that had lots of free samples and I got one that was light, sweet without being sickly, and flavored like…something, I just can’t remember what it was. Argh! :frowning:
It was the best honey I had ever eaten in my life. It didn’t last too long.

The best honey I’ve found is from the New Zealand company Airborne. Their honeys have distictive flavors and are not cloying to my taste. Their strongest-flavored honey is from thyme flowers - the taste is very herbal. I discovered this brand at a local gourmet shop. The Airborne web site lists their importers by country.

Over-brewed tea is merely a vehicle for honey. Cuajada (a local dairy product) is also a good excuse for honey.

I don’t cook with honey, but in general I prefer sweetening with honey or brown sugar to using white sugar. I like the more-complex taste better.

My favorite is rosemary honey.

I eat my peas with honey
I’ve done it all my life
It makes the peas taste funny
But it keeps them on my knife!

(Hey, somebody was bound to do it. . .)

I like honey a lot. It’s a great throat soother/cough suppressant; when I have a cold, I will make myself a cup of herbal tea and stir in a spoonful of honey. Nice.

I cook with it sometimes, too. Honey-mustard chicken or pork chops are good. And I much prefer to blend my own honey and mustard to buying honey-mustard at the grocery, which is mostly mustard with some other sweeteners and a bit of honey thrown in.

Just lately, my hubby and I have discovered the pleasures of honeyed bourbon. We’ve been keeping Seagram’s Dark Honey in the whiskey decanter on the wine cabinet. Neither of us were big fans of Seagram’s before, but we tried and compared the Seagram’s and the Wild Turkey with honey, and we both slightly prefer the Seagram’s, in spite of the fact that it’s significantly cheaper than the Wild Turkey! A tall glass of ice, Sierra Mist, a shot of Seagram’s Dark Honey poured in the top. Lovely and refreshing!

I know that honey is not significantly healthier than any other pure form of sugar, but the flavor and texture are exceptional. I was very sad when KFC stopped serving real honey with their biscuits and switched to “honey-flavored spread”. :frowning: I’d rather they stick with real honey and charge for it. A decent buttermilk biscuit with butter (real butter, not margarine!) and honey is probably a passport to an early grave, but oh my, it’s delicious!

Mmm, this. I can’t get over the completely different taste of real mustard + honey versus packaged “honey mustard”. We like to dip it with panko-breaded chicken tenders.

I like honey in my tea, but only on the weekends. For some reason during the week I’ll do Truvia or Splenda.

Ew. Cornbread is meant to be savory.

The cornbread itself is meant to be savory. But then you put honey on it.

I have a big 32oz container of every-day honey. I have 3 jars of “special” honey I get from a German vendor at Kristkindlmarket every December. They make an incredible vanilla-bean infused honey, and then another molasses-dark one, and an orange-blossom one. There are more, but I can only afford three each year at $12 a jar.

Yes. When I lived in Minnesota, I knew a beekeeping family, and I could get 3 lbs jars for $5. I bought so much I stopped making beer and starting making mead. I’ve got a five gallon batch that I made with 15lbs(!) of honey. It finished around 12% abv, and it’s been aging since Obama took office. Since it was my first mead, and the election was right around then, it’s been dubbed my inaugural mead.

I used to put honey in a lot of stuff when I lived in Bulgaria. I would get it from an old guy who sold it in jars on the side of the road in my village. Keeping bees is pretty common in Bulgaria and I had lots of different flavored honeys, which often tasted strongly of the pollen the bees had consumed. My region of BG is a big rose producing area and there’s a lot of rose honey. It’s pretty interesting.

Since coming back to the US, I almost never eat it, because it’s just crap in comparison. Maybe one day I’ll find some independent beekeeper that produces equally good honey, but the stuff in the stores isn’t even the same product.

I would like to eat honey a lot more often than I do. It tastes great in tea (try Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea with it), on buttered toast or biscuits, and in peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I also used to cook with it a lot.

Hmmm. I’ll use honey instead of sugar, but there aren’t many things I would use sugar for in the first place.

I do use honey every day in my tea.

Personally, I like clover honey and orange blossom.

I saw a news article several months ago that described problems with roadside honey stands in North Carolina…apparently, some vendors were selling corn syrup labeled as honey, or were cutting their honey with corn syrup. Maybe you encountered something like that; the honey I like to use has a very distinct taste. I love drinking hot tea with honey; it really adds a nice flavor without overwhelming the tea.

Wow that sounds delicious. Did you get a taste test before committing?