Does a cyanide capsule really kill instantly? How?

Goldang, what a cheery thread.

To make sure, he also should’ve done it with a noose around his neck while jumping off a cliff.*
*there’s a bad joke about making sure like this, but I’m not about to look it up.

This guy committed suicide in court recently, by taking cyanide.

His secretary Traudl Junge asked him why he didn’t go out fighting the Russians, or words to that effect. That was one of the reasons he gave (on top of being too ill to fight); that he didn’t want to risk just being wounded and put in some ‘Soviet circus’.

One thing I’m curious about: Where did so many people readily get cyanide ampules/capsules, etc? I mean, I think it’s fairly easy to make if you have some chemistry basics, but, WTF did the average person, such as your family, people without military connections, get stuff like this?

Denied by Mom. Said it was one-time travelling (fleeing) companion.

With some basic chemistry knowledge, it’s easy to make from common household items. I made some when I was about 14-16 years old. I won’t go into details. I don’t want to contribute to any accidental or intentional deaths.

Someone is about to get Zykloned.

This does not compute in English.