Does Advertising "work" in a Communist or Socialist society?

The same reason as others have advertising. To let the consumer (and yes there are consumer) that a certain product/service is available.

Bear in mind that the Soviet Union considered itself to be socialist as well as communist. The term can cover a lot of ground.

Indeed. Put up a sign saying “We have onions”, and consumers would line up around the block.

Old poli sci joke:

In a democracy, what is not prohibited is permitted.
In a dictatorship, what is not prohibited is compulsory.

And unfortunately, many of those are the politicians…:smack:
I felt it was clear that the OP was asking about communist dictatorships and the other flavours of "socialist’ government that are similar to that - like the Soviet Union, Cuba, etc. It didn’t even occur to me to think that someone would think that this was a topic that applied to places like Canada or Scandinavia! That would be truly ignorant, wouldn’t it?

It would be nice if we could all agree on what terms to use for what form of government.

It would also be nice if I had a pony.

There’s a couple here but they aren’t cheap.

Nitpick : untrue. Soviet Union considered itself as merely socialist (as its name implies), communism being the theorical final stage that would eventually be achieved according to Marxism (most notably, state/government would no longer be required and would naturally decay with the advent of communism).
There are so many different meanings for “socialism” that the OP question can’t be answered if he doesn’t say what he is refering to when he uses this word (as demonstrated in the following thread, where some poster assumed he was talking about Warsaw Pact countries and others about Scandinavian countries)

Awww…cute! I’d love to have a pony by the name of Flashy Houdini Midget.

Will you give me one? Or, for that matter, will the government? I may also need the land to keep it on… my living room is kinda small and I don’t think ponies like climbing the outdoor staircase…

[SocialistMnemolandDecree]Ponies for everyone![/smd]

Quick, print up the signs!

Here’s an article about Soviet Advertising from the 1930s with many nice examples of the art from Dieselpunks. Given the sheer number of advertisements (there are other related articles at that site), I imagine at least some of them had an effect on sales.

Great link - thanks!