Does anybody own "Halvsie"?

What the FUCK is a Halvsie?

I don’t know, either.


If I knew, maybe I could help.

But I don’t know either.

Is this it now? am I getting old?

I ate some Halibut last week. Does that count?

Yes, it’s the two-legged dog.

I thought it was enough of an SDMB in-joke that I could mention it, just once, for twenty minutes, in 1960, and be understood, not gunned down with 1920s-style death rays. I humbly apologize.

Gotcha ya!

I was gonna offer you half of my Wholesie but now I don’t know…

I dunno.

I don’t know more than Diane.

This thread was long dead. We don’t have an “official rule” about not resurrecting old threads, but we do suggest that such resurrection of old threads only happen if you have something reasonable/valuable to contribute. Bringing up an antique thread just to say “I don’t know” is pretty much viewed as rude and inconsiderate.