Doody family hope to raise profile of faggots

That’s it.

I give up.

All true; also, a traditional British greeting, when meeting someone for the first time is to slap them on both cheeks and ask “May I fuck your mother’s dog?”

Sampiro, you forgot the rug-muncher which we clean our floors with!!! For goodness sake…

[coding mine]
If I’m not mistaken, isn’t that the missing Merchant/Ivory gay porn film that was pulled from release after they hit it big in the 80s? If memory serves it’s the story of a Victorian rentboy who yearns for a respectable country house in which to receive his fellow literary salon members and make sepia toned pornography. It starred Brit pornstars Nigel Totalbottom, Miles Long-Beater, Cecil von Rimm and of course Denholm Elliot and Helena Bonham-Carter.

You just made that one up

Nothing sucks like a rug-muncher.

One subtle distinction between North American and British English which has led to some amusing misunderstandings is that on this side of the Atlantic, “momentarily” means “in a moment,” while over there it means “lubricated and inserted rectally.”

I’ll never forget the look on my buddy from Bristol’s face when our waiter informed us that our calamari would be “served momentarily.” Priceless.

Please, Larry Mudd, tell me you’re whooshing me. And not in a lubricated fashion, either…

No, that one was found. You’re thinking of The Britches of Madison’s Bounty which had Clint Eastwoody and and Merril Streak.

Insight into the the burning of the Madison County bridges.

That link is making fun of them for being faggot fans! What are we, in grade school?

Heh. Doody. :smiley:

“Someone tell this cigarette to get away from me” [/Peter Griffin]

How was this not quoted earlier? It’s more than pertinent.

I need a colonic cleansing.

…preceded by Toad in the Hole :smiley:

Indeed - one of these in fact.

Previous MPSIMS excursions into the arcana of faggotry and the Doody family:
> A Whole Family of Faggots
> In which owlstretchingtime is happy at finding faggots at his local co-op

>The thread that started it all: Eve’s Mr. Brain’s Faggots Leave Me… Speechless
>And her follow-up: Mother of Mercy, Is This the End of Mr. Brain’s Faggots
Something I learned in the course of research: In the Fen Country, faggots are used in erecting dikes. Who would have thought? :slight_smile:

Previous MPSIMS excursions into the arcana of faggotry and the Doody family:
> A Whole Family of Faggots
> In which owlstretchingtime is happy at finding faggots at his local co-op

>The thread that started it all: Eve’s Mr. Brain’s Faggots Leave Me… Speechless
>And her follow-up: Mother of Mercy, Is This the End of Mr. Brain’s Faggots
Something I learned in the course of research: In the Fen Country, faggots are used in erecting dikes. Who would have thought? :slight_smile:

Ah, they’re 21st century faggots.

Um, would it be silly of me to ask what meaning “doody” has? Apart from being the name of the family, that is, as I surmise from the replies that there is another meaning involved.

doody n. infantile euphemism for excrement. “I just made doody in my pants”

Can’t help you there, hon, I was never a public schoolboy (English meaning). But I did live in the heart of faggot country during my formative years and let me tell you, and all organ-averse Americans, you ain’t tasted nothing like it. I could go a nice faggot or two right now if it came to that. Hot or cold, it’s all one to me.

I’ve no idea whether they’ve penetrated the Northern Ireland market, but anywhere generally south and west of the Bristol to Swindon line, you’re in with a shout. (You can find them elsewhere).

Actually, it’s quite likely that you have seen them- it means big meatball. They are unlikely to be marketed under the name “faggot”, however.

Now I known how linguaphiles in the early 20th century must have felt about “gay” and “queer”.