Double Dactyls, the Higgledy Piggledy Poetry Thread

Hinkety Pinkety,
Gloria Vanderbilt,
Anderson Cooper’s mom,
that white-haired freak.

Maker of denim jeans,
Shaped for the shapely, not
Turners of cheek.

An old one of mine:

Higgledy piggledy
Titus Andronicus
Lost his whole family
(Quite a large bunch)

Then singlehandedly
Tracked down his enemies
Wrapped them in pastry and
Served them for lunch.

BobArrgh, MonkeyMensch–man, you guys are speedy. Thanks.

I suppose it would be only polite to contribute to my own thread.

I’ve posted this one on the boards before, but for anyone who missed it:

Flippity Flappity
anas platyrhynchos
Do things flow like water
Off of your back?

Don’t try to navigate
Tested by Mythbusters
“Quack, damn you, quack!”
Some friends of mine do a monthly challenge of some sort of creative endeavor. A few years ago, it was double dactyls. The results are here.

Hope this isn’t too esoteric (not for SDMB!), but I’ll bet Chronos will get it:

Higgsiny, Bosonny,
“We’re made of star-stuff,” said
Burbage and Burbage,
Fowler and Hoyle.

Stellar interiors,
Binding in fusion and
Brought to a boil!

frontal lobotomy
could be just the thing for
clearing your head

Cut diagonally,
with excesses of care
else you’ll be dead.

Helfia, skelfia
West Philadelphia
The town in which I was
brought up and raised

Fought accidentally,
Fled to Bel Air for the
rest of my days.

Mine is in the style of gore-metal band Carcass:

vomiting faecal tract
parasite colony
fermented pus

Manifestation of
malignant purulence
bloated thrombus*

Aaand who wants breakfast? :smiley:

Gilbert and Sullivan
Produced operettas
Exceedingly fine

Most satiristic’ly,
Set farcical doings
In metre and rhyme.

I’ve been lurking in this neighborhood awhile and I like its tone so I’m jumping in.

Higgledy Piggeldy
Mandelbrot’s legacy:
Infinite worlds shown through

Computers made possible
of fractals denying

Cheating and stretching things a bit – including the stress needing to be on the wrong syllable of the six-syllable word. Anyway:

Hogwarty, Warthoggy,
Joanne K. Rowling-o
Coined in multimillions
From wizardy stuff;

All befell, that the world
Loved it – might just as soon
Have judged, “what weak guff”.

Again, stretching matters a bit – but seen as a crossover with the thread on this sub-forum, “A Discussion about whether Shakespeare is Shakespeare without Dismissiveness”.

Without dismissiveness,
Willy the Shakey, he
Wrote what attributed,
Or he did not…

Proved source of all of this –
Oxford, Liz, Bacon, Chris –
None will e’er wot.

Selfishly – having a contribution – am a bit afraid that this thread will disappear into the “Great Beyond”, if not re-activated. Herewith, another of mine – explanation, recent apocryphal-and-unlikely-seeming tale published in my, in the UK, local newspaper, about a local World War 1 hero (name, Henry Tandey) who reputedly had Adolf Hitler in his gunsights very late in 1918; but Adolf being wounded and not trying to raise his rifle or defend himself, Henry compassionately refrained from shooting him. In convoluted ways, Henry became, 20-odd years later, aware of his oversight, and suffered bad pangs of conscience re same.

Alterny, squalterny,
Henricus Tandeyus
Spared Adolf Hitler
In 1918;

Had he done otherwise,
What would become of it?
All would have been.

Higgeldy Piggeldy
Poet John Hollander
Spent a long life melding
Meter and rhyme

Foiling the critics, he
Changed the ridiculous
To the sublime.
(composed as a condolence letter to our cousins, JH’s daughters Liz and Martha Hollander) –
Alex Chaffee
Mary Chaffee

Very nice, Chaffees.

Btw, I have found Hollander’s “Rhyme’s Reason” a very effective as well as clever explanation of various poetic forms. My copy did get quite water damaged, so I will keep my eyes open at the Strand for another. The one time I ever used a book search service was for “Jiggery-Pokery”, of which one copy was officially floating about in the New York Public Library system, but which someone seemed to have borrowed permanently.