Everyone feel the shit I've sprayed on them?

For christ sake Otto, having a web page up is a passive thing. It is not poking jack shit. If people are curious about old drama they can just go there instead of starting a new thread here asking about it and drawing a whole bunch of attention to it. I first started it because of all the wild bullshit that flew around on the anon boards, I wanted a reference so people could see what really happened/was said.

And Waverly, sorry if I don’t entertain but you aren’t paying me anything so tough shit. Why don’t you go poke Liberal.

No problem.

Nope. That would be Stoid and Evil Captor. Different sites I mean.

I am completely shit free over here. Must have put up the umbrella in time. I have never even clicked on a profile here that I remember. What you have in yours does not matter to me in the least. Seems pretty arbitrary to me. Do the mods look through everyones profile to find if it passes the test? Do they have it in for you or did someone complain? That decision I have to make every year is starting to get harder and harder.

If I don’t miss my guess, haven’t you been warned for linking to snark stuff in the past? If so, the zero sympathy that your OP earns you is actually lowered to negative sympathy: you will have to stay after class just to get an F.

I see I accidentally answered Harbourwolf on that last one, lucky. I’ll add that I am hardly stirring up things when I chronicle old board wars. I specifically discourage that type of thing in Note on Netiquette on my page linked.

Plus, I think the Page O’ Flames doesn’t have names attached, just various quotes.

I see your reasoning somewhat, but I still don’t see the big deal about the homepage link. Why not just keep your chronicle available upon request.

Is that a carnal suggestion, or do you want me to jab him with a stick? Only the latter possibility is on the table.

I don’t expect you to entertain me, but as a purveyor of petty drama, I’d expect a more theatrical flameout from you. This one is flat. You are a great dissapointment to your mother and me.

If I may ask a favor, can we please stop all of this flame out nonsense?

There is a legitimate question here: whether content or intent should be used to determine if a homepage violates board rules. Personally, I lean towards content. Some things are just going to start trouble.

Also, in the case of an attempted flameout (which I don’t believe it is) you would just be giving the poster the attention that they were looking for.

Waverly, think of me as the dowdy old professor of petty drama. Seriously though, I’m not looking to flame out. I just got my back up when I know there are worse homepages listed and I’m accused of stirring shit. (On preview: like Harborwolf said)

Well, I couldn’t post links on request either. In the end it isn’t really that big a deal. I’ve got 3 hours left on Skip Magic’s original "remove it in 24 hrs or less deadline

“Officer, why are you giving me a ticket when there are other cars going faster than me?” If there are worse links out there and you know of them, report them to a mod. The fact that they have not been removed is not a reason why yours should remain.

I don’t see why posting a link to the SDMB thread in question would be against the rules. If a passing mod could toss in some input, I’d be ever so grateful

Please tell me that you did not create this thread just to draw attention to your homepage link.

There. Doesn’t that look nice. :smack: Would’ve looked better if I’d gotten it right the first time.

But I don’t see him as promoting any of it - it IS just a chronicle.

And if you think about it for a minute, the main reason board history comes up is not because of CarnalK’s link in his profile (and really, when was the last time you checked one out looking for juicy tidbits?), but because some old-timer decides to make an oblique but intriguing reference to the past. Of course the newer folks then want to know more about it, and then we get another round of “shhhh, we don’t want to hear discussion of past unpleasantries here” from the admins.

Bottom line is, really, that if the old-timers kept their lips zipped, everything would be just ducky.

Asking CarnalK to stop linking to his website because the admins don’t like it and they can do anything is one thing. A silly, petty, and defensive thing, but hell they can do it.

Don’t try to insult us though, TubaDiva, pretending he’s spamming the board, posting the rules and emphasizing the part of the rules about promoting websites. I have a website in my profile. My website. Do I get a warning?

Lots of people are jerks on this board. A lot of the time. They don’t get banned.

Make him take it down if you want, but don’t lie about why. You don’t like it because you don’t like it. There’s no moral superiority there.

It’s good to hear that this isn’t a flameout or meltdown etc, cause Abbienormal’s is much more entertaining.

I don’t understand why the Snark Science website is so distressing. This place has a history. Some of it is not so nice. So what? What else would anyone expect?


No, I just meant I have that much time to see how much I wanted to push the issue.

Is my new “homepage” too smart assy?

Exactly. It has a blog journal look and feel to it, it provides the reader accurate and historical links to the SDMB days of yore with very little editorial opinion and promotes nothing. It’s no different than someone linking their myspace or livejournal page.

We need some nonnys here to make fun of.