Ezekiel 38, Jeremiah 50 and the Bushehr Reactor

As a kid, whose parents read a chapter or two consecutively at each sitting of the family dinner, and lunch on weekends, I have no recollection of this passage.

The image is striking. I thought pornography was antithetical to Christian religion .
Did the Iranians name their reactor after Bush ?

Yes…Bushehr means ‘swaggering Bush in stuffed flight suit’ in Farsi.


It’s actually a much more remarkable prophecy than those of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, since it was made by the founder of the town of Bushehr in the 3rd century A.D. – by someone who could have had no idea what a “flight suit” was, or that someone called “Bush” would be the leader of a country called “America” – more than a thousand years before Europeans discovered America.

Remarkable, no doubt. Those ancients…they seemed to have known everything. sigh

Getting back to business, however, I still haven’t heard back from the OP on his or her transfer of all their worldly goods to myself. The Apocalypse is getting closer by the hour, and I sure hope the OP doesn’t miss out!


You should read Song of Solomon. It’s filthy.

I don’t see what the big deal is with the Iranian reactor. Pakistan already has the atomic bomb (and Taliban in residence).

I’m sorry, but the Bible (the real Bible, not that crappy Christian fanfic) is an incredible work of literature and poetry, written by primitives.

(Seriously: if you can appreciate Homer without believing in Zeus, you can appreciate the Bible without believing in God.)

What about other passages that are dripping with sex? Did they read those to you?

  • Genesis 19, where the men of Sodom showed up at Lot’s door demanding to have sex with the two angels (male angels) who were visiting? Or the part where Lot protected the angels by offering up his virgin daughters to the horny mob? Or just a tad bit later where Lot’s daughters got him drunk and had sex with him?

  • Did they read Song of Solomon, or just skip it entirely? “My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him.”

  • What about the whole gay love thing between the young David and Jonathan? It’s in 1 Samuel 18 and 1 Samuel 20.

I agree, as a historical document it fascinating and interesting and should be studied as such and nothing more.

You think that there’s some kind of contradiction between being an incredible work of literature and poetry, and being an incoherent collection of myths? Heck, most good poetry is incoherent, and most of the OT is not credible. And I don’t think the fact that the OT included myths is debatable.

Trust me, It was my favourite book of the bible. But I always regarded it as innocent eroticism reflecting the joys of marriage, an institution we were all encouraged to participate in so that we would multiply with God’s and Solomon’s blessing. Sort of a Christian sex education primer.

Ezekiel is to Solomon as Hustler is to Playboy. At one time anyway since its been 30 years since I’ve perused through either.

Whatever, but I challenge the use of the word “primitives” to describe a people that do no exhibit much of a difference from the modern American and a decided advanced difference from much of humanity in their time.They could both read and write…obviously.

Seeing as a great deal of subsequent western literature and poetry has its roots in the bible - in terms of style and structure, not just direct allusions - I believe that it also be studied as a work of art. You may not like it, but you can’t deny its importance.

(The fact that it is also my country’s national epic may not mean much to you, but it means quite a lot to me, which is why I have a hard time listening to people belittle its merits.)

There’s no denying that its writers were primitives, in modern terms. However, I would agree that compared to contemporary works of literature, the characters in the Bible are far more relatable and identifiably “human”.

Hey, no fair comparing them to Vulcans.

'Shrooms, dude. I’m tellin ya. These guy were tripping. “Small scroll” is not a bad way of describing a dried-up, curled-up piece of mushroom.

I think that’s more a cultural relic, the response of an oversexed culture like ours. Sexual love is but one variety of love. There have been men I have loved, though I wouldn’t say it “surpasseth the love of women”. But they are all hairy, have no tits, and smell wrong. Conversely, or perversely, there have been women I didn’t like all that much, but if I got within three feet of them, I couldn’t keep my hands off them.

For instance, from time immemorial, the love of men for their comrades in arms is the most powerful bond they’ve ever experienced. Or ever will, for that matter. What does it mean? Dunno. But there it is.

Pretty sure this is indictable. But would probably just end in a hung jury.

We’re both going to hell.

The message board version of the crudely-made religious tracts that litter the floor of the Greyhound station.

You’re Canadian, you go to Heck. And maybe going to Hell ain’t so bad, I guess it depends on how you feel about lawyers.