Facebook viral statuses

I like to repost these kinds when I see them:

URGENT WARNING! Facebook now automatically scans your brain through your monitor.To block,go to kitchen,get aluminum foil,and wrap it around your head.Stay calm,and breathe through your left nostril ONLY.This is a serious problem and has been confirmed by a friend’s cousin’s girlfriend’s neighbor’s son’s baby’s mama and her pet chihuahua. Copy and paste as your status to SAVE YOUR FRIENDS!

And I just stole this from you as my facebook status. Awesome. (And my boyfriend is a big fan of the dearly departed Oolong, aforementioned rabbit. I’ll win bonus points!)

And I so stole this one.

So did I. I wonder how widely it’s going to spread? :smiley:

Glad you enjoyed it Phoebestar- it got a few laughs.

I just put this one up, after seeing three friends in a row with the same glurgy status:

An old man once said:

“Originality and uniqueness are the hallmarks of a happy and well-balanced life.”

Celebrate your uniqueness and originality by copying and pasting this to your status, even if it’s only for as long as until you realize the irony of it all.

Just did :slight_smile:

I posted the Snopes link as a comment to someone who had this as her status. Yes, I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to let ignorance survive. She deleted my comment and kept her stupid post up. I’m starting to wonder whether it’s worth keeping her on my friends list.

Interesting. I’ve posted the Snopes link to a number of statuses, and everyone thanked me for the information. They were also happy to find out that the “Barack Obama Clinton Scandal” and “SmartGirl15” versions of the koobface virus were hoaxes.

Every now and then I post those links as my status just to pass the info along. Lot of people out there who need to learn what “Cite!” means, I tell you.

I absolutely hate those posts. They’re moronic.

I also think it’s silly to post your birthday on facebook. Great, you’ll get birthday wishes from people you never would’ve talked to again were it not for facebook. Fabulous. Sure, you’ll probably get a large volume of people wishing you, but do you really care?

Usually pointless and usually ignored. But I hate the “Most people won’t set this as their status. Will you?” thing. It’s positively obnoxious and awfully preachy considering how useless this stuff is.

Argh…I have one guy in particular who is always very thankful whenever I point out that he’s spreading bullshit misinformation – he did it again just the other day with the koobface variants you mentioned.

My question is, if you’re so thankful to find that every single status forward that you post is wrong, why the fuck do you keep doing it?!?!

And yes, yesterday I had to point out to him that no, facebook will not begin charging for usage next month.

The only one of these I’ve copied and posted was one that said “Post this as your status if you or someone you know has been eaten by a velociraptor.” Rather liked that one.

We all know someone who was eaten by a velociraptor. They just cover it up with some lame “long battle with cancer” excuse or something…

Stolen! :slight_smile: That’s a much better viral meme, Haha

Okay, this is going on my wall :cool:

Me too. Thanks, postcards!

Usually I am one who would agree with the sentiment of the OP… however for one of the few times, I did one of those viral status things just for gits and shiggles.

It actually sparked off a decent conversation with some of my FB “friends” about the issue (Autism and Special Education awareness).

So while pragmatically it prolly doesn’t do a ton of good, it can be a conversation starter, if nothing else. If awareness is the cause, it seems to have worked, at least in a nominal way, in this case.

The Hearts!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart: For crap’s sakes, don’t forget the hearts!!!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

At least that’s how the one I saw ended. That’s the only FB viral status I ever copied.