Fecal transplantation: Is it for you?

Yeah, that’s why I’m wondering if you’d be awake for it. And would there be any lingering after taste/smell even if you were put under?

If I was in a situation where it could help, yes. No reason to be squeamish about it. It’s not like it’s going where no poop has gone before.

/raises hand

Can’t I just promise to eat more yoghurt?

I had originally read the title as “Fecal trepanation”.

That seemed problematic, logistics wise. Unless you use coprolites I suppose.

William A. Nolen has an anecdote about this procedure in his book The Making of a Surgeon, about his surgical training at Bellevue Hospital in NYC. I can’t be arsed to go find the book, but as I remember it, they had a patient who needed her intestinal flora restored for whatever reason, and one of his colleagues took a sample of poo, stirred it into chocolate milk, and gave it to her (giggling privately with his buddies about it, so literally for shits and giggles, I guess). The supervising doctor found out and blew a gasket. Called the guy on the carpet, who lied his ass off and made up some story about distilling the poo, putting it in a centrifuge, and whatever-all-else to make it sound all scientific. As I recall, I think they likened this imaginary concoction to ambrosia or something similar. Anyway, the guy finished his rotation but then was booted out of training and his medical career was pretty much over.

As I recall Nolen telling it, anyway. I believe this would have been in the late 1960s; I remember Nolen describing early attempts at open-heart surgery.

LOL I agree … but then again, I like my doctors to have an actual sense of humor. I find joking about stuff helps me tolerate painful procedures.

Of course I would do it, preferably enema style. I hate being entubed - I still have a strong gag reflex. Not that I particularly like enemas, but the whole idea is not that big a deal. It isn’t like they want to go in and surgically remove anything.

I’ve never had C. diff, but I have had life-threatening infections. And I’m here to tell you I’d do just about anything to cure one! Like others, though, I’d prefer it via enema rather than nasogastric. I’ve had a nasagastric tube, and though I was asleep when it went in, I was wide awake when it came out and it was nasty.

If it was medically necessary, yeah, I’d have the procedure. Donation - no problem, I’d just be throwing that stuff out anyway but if someone could use it why not?

Then again, I’m already on record as being willing to swallow tapeworm eggs and give part of my intestinal real estate to parasite if it would help with the goddamn allergies I suffer from, I don’t see this as that different.

Hope no one thinks I’m taking a dump on the idea, but 150 or so cases reported in the medical literature over the past 50 years does not totally convince me that the fecal transplant people have their shit together. Maybe the landmark FECES trial will provide more reliable answers. (I’ll bet the researchers have fascinating stories for their spouses when they get home after a long day in the lab. “Did you wash your hands, dear?”).

Until the day comes when there are better solutions (such as a feces-free bacterial product), I suppose that for people suffering from relapsing C. difficile infections the “transplant” may be worth trying.

It’s not actually poo, it’s just the bacteria from someone else’s gut? Sure, I don’t have a problem with that.

Might get better sign-on if the name was changed, though. ::wishes there was a barfy smiley::

A nasogastric tube goes in through the nose but goes all the way down into the stomach, so the only taste/smell would be whatever vinyl/PVC-type stuff the tube is made of.

All the same, yuck.

I want you all to know I’m here for you, and I know you’d do the same for me. Group hug!

After I’ve had a scalpel to my eyeballs I’m up for anything.

There seem to be very few “noes” in the poll, but I would venture that anyone suffering the typical symptoms of a C. diff. infection couldn’t say “yes” fast enough.

I’d do it. It’d be good to eat shit and NOT die.

I read about this a few years ago also as a possible remedy for IBS. Yeah, I’d do it. Not happy about sticking someone else’s poo up my nose, but if the shit fits - wear it.

Coffee came out my nose, hot coffee.

Shit for brains.

“garlic burps” got nothin on “poo burps” I imagine. Whew.

Between this, the “eyeball” thread, and the IUD thread, I don’t know why I continue to read the Dope right before I eat! :eek: