Foamy urine -- do I need to see the doc right away?

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Also can happen after anal sex done without using a condom. Fecal matter is introduced into the urethra via forceful thrusting, and remains there until expelled the next time the person urinates. Rare, but not unknown.

How could I forget Poop Noodle? (NSFW or pretty much anywhere else).


Why did I click on that?

My eyes … I’m so sorry, eyes … I didn’t know …

Since my internet-enabled hypochrondria was getting the best of me, I decided to go in yesterday and they tested my urine. No proteins found! Doc says everything looks normal, so I’m good until my next unnecessary medical freakout.

Did he offer any explanation?

Nah, I’m still waiting for one more blood test to come in, but he said a lot of the time they basically can’t find an explanation. Without any other evidence, it seems it’s unlikely to be pathological.

WHY am I remembering the South Park episode about “Scrotie McBoogerball”?

It’s generally caused by not masturbating enough, and consequently you get a semen backup that combines with your urine and foams things up when you urinate. To stay mentally and physically healthy men have to get the poison out, especially young men.

If this was the case, then clinical presentation would have to be so exceedingly rare as to make appearance in the medical literature practically non-existent.:stuck_out_tongue:

When I read your post, I figured ureter really sick, or it’s something normal. I’m glad to hear it’s not the case that urine big trouble.