Foods you wished you liked but you don't

Most fruits. I only like apples, oranges, bananas and grapes. Also wish I liked more seafood. I only do white fish and tuna.

Salmon and olives. Both are supposed to be healthy for you, but I just can’t acquire a taste for them.

Just cooked my husband a big salmon filet yesterday. Tried it. Blech.

I don’t like ANY fruit. Don’t get me wrong, I like fruit flavored things just fine, I just don’t like fruit. I really wish I did. It’ll be a nice hot day and I’ll see someone eating a freezing cold juicy slice of watermelon/peach/apple/cantaloupe/orange etc and it looks soooo good, but I just can’t get myself to like it. I’ve been in the produce business my entire life and in all that time I’ve pretty had the equivalent of less then 12 oz of fruit.

Sweet potatoes and/or yams. It is just about the only thing I will not eat, and they are such a traditional part of holiday meals that it seems a shame to pass on them.

Anything spicy, especially Mexican foods. And cilantro. I want to cook food my SO and I both like at the same time.

Wine. People wax effusive over this wine or that and I just don;t get it. It doesn’t taste all that great and it makes flush badly so my cheeks are red hot. My only exception is red sangria, because that is diluted and fruity. I’m a philistine, I know.

Mushrooms and bell peppers.

Not because I think I’m missing out on anything, but because these two things are nearly impossible to avoid when dining out (especially at Italian restaurants).

I hate sounding like such a picky eater when my order always includes a request that there be no mushrooms or peppers in the dish. I’m not that picky, really. These are pretty much the only two foods that repulse me so thoroughly, yet they’re everywhere.

I don’t like pie either. Or any pastry. Baklava, cream puffs, whatever. I don’t even like doughnuts.
Also, second (or third) on the anise/fennel/licorice.

Tea. I hate tea. People are always giving me tea for gifts because they figure I read all the time, I must drink tea, right? “I bet you just love to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book!” And my thousand cats. :dubious: Um, no. So I have plenty of tea to offer visitors, and even a teapot in which they can make their own tea because I have no idea how. I also have never drunk a cup of coffee in my entire life.

Amen. Of all the foods I don’t like, and there are A LOT, cheese has proved the most problematic. I suppose I’m fortunate in the sense that it is very fattening so I guess there’s that advantage. So, I wish I at least could stand it, for convenience sake.

I do wish I enjoyed vegetables. I can eat them but I don’t particularly “like” them. It’d be so nice and easy to just bring a salad for lunch every day, but frankly I’d rather just skip lunch than do that.

I’m with Sigmagirl - no tea. I’ve TRIED to like tea; I just don’t. Also don’t like cantaloupe, which sucks because it’s cheap and it looks good and it tastes like sweetened anus. And I don’t like green peppers EXCEPT when they’re sauteed with onions and slathered on top of an Italian sausage.

Another vote for “anything that lived underwater”- I know how good for me all those omegas are, but BLEAH.

Both my SO and his daughter are anti-pie. More for me! Though honestly, I don’t eat sweets like they do (other than pie).

Liver. I can eat it, and back in my impoverished youth I bought and ate it a lot. Chicken and beef.

It’s kinda pretty, it’s kinda exotica, it’s cheap sometimes, but the flavor doesn’t really appeal to me.

Hard liquor. I like social drinking and getting a little tipsy. For reasons not related to the thread, I can no longer drink my drink of choice in a volume enough to make me tipsy.

I like the idea of the ritual of having a nice whiskey, or something similar with friends. But I hate all forms of hard liquor and don’t even really like wine. I kinda miss getting a little drunk with friends.

Wine! Wine is another one. I can’t even have half a glass of red wine without the headaches starting. I made 10 gallons of blackberry wine that’s just delicious, but I can’t drink it at all. White wines are… OK, and no headaches. I’m a total beer snob and would love to ooze some of that snobbery over to wine, but I just can’t do it.

How about parsley, rosemary and thyme? :slight_smile:

Of all the other things mentioned so far, I only absolutely won’t eat liver, and I can’t say that I wished I liked it. I’ve got a fairly strict rule when in comes to animal parts in general: no recognizable organs, feet or faces. Other than that, no worries.

Seafood, well, mostly OK, but some types of shellfish give me the heeby-jeebies, particularly oysters and lobster. Also, I’ve had a couple bad encounters with stuff one finds inside whole crabs, so I tend to avoid those. Crab cakes are fine; many thanks to everyone who throughout my life has made it possible for me to not have to break apart a crab to get to the good stuff.

Oh yeah, and to any Newfoundlanders in the audience? Love ya, salt of the earth and all that, but cod tongues are disgusting.

Offal. It’s cheap, and people who love it seem to really love it, and I’d love to feel all chic and worldly hanging out with my boy Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall… but the fact is, offal usually makes me feel ill.

Oh well.

Don’t worry. Like fish, most (but not all) pie is awful.

I really only dislike 3 things - fennel/anise, passionfruit and green peppers.

Coffee. Love the smell, and it’s one of those things everyone seems to enjoy. But I just can’t get past the bitter taste and won’t quaff the stuff unless its been diluted with a lot of cream and a lot of sugar.

Yogurt is definitely high on my list.
Coffee, also — why can’t it taste like it smells?
Tea is the same category – I would be so cool if I could sip a cup of Earl Grey.
And…ummm…pop. Can’t stand the carbonation.