Found a baby possum! what do i do?

Sorry i took long to get a picture, my phone was being difficult. Here is the little guy. He wouldn’t stay still long enough to get a better shot.

I have to admit, despite my belief that Possums are the non-armored equivalent of disease-infested armadillos, he is cute.

Wow. He’s tiny.

I found one who was about the size of a large rat not too long ago.

I was in the tool alcove of my house. Something seemed…amiss. I’m not even sure how I knew because the place normally looks like, well, a possum’s nest.

I keep one of those lamb’s wool duster’s in a plastic grocery sack out there. He had found the sack and crawled in to cuddle with the duster. His fur was long and blond. He was borderline cute.

I removed the duster and unceremoniously dumped the sack into the trash and secured the lid tightly.

And my conscience bothered me nonstop for the next two hours. I went out and picked up the sack and deposited it in a far corner of the yard, under a rhododendron. The next day I checked…he was gone.

Mama possum was spotted in the bushes last night so we put the little one near her, theres no sign of either of them anymore so hopefully they had a nice reunion and left the area because the neighbors are apparently not too fond of possums.

She probably ate him. Probably.


They mostly come out at night.


I honestly don’t get all the possum hate. Ugly? Eh, I think they’re cute, and that’s a subjective aesthetic thing anyway. Vermin? Any animal that encroaches on humans’ habitats gets labeled that. They are survivors because they can eat our trash and live near us. I don’t know why they have the reputation for being diseased, since they are FAR less likely to have rabies than most other mammals. Sure, they have parasites like fleas, but I think all animals do. They are not aggressive to people or pets, and are more likely to be killed than do any harm themselves.

Anyway, I’d never stomp one or kill one if I found it. I’m glad the OP reunited him with his mother.

I have a soft spot in my heard for Possums, as with all Og’s creatures. They’re fascinating to me as “living fossils” in that (like sharks) they have seen little evolutionary change for some time (possibly since the late Cretaceous or early Paleocene). If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, and they are for from a broken organism.

Exactly what I was thinking about when i posted. You’re amazing.

I have visions of those little mammals that ate dead dinosaurs while they rotted for hundred of years and giggled. :slight_smile:

Cute. The one I had was really small, but looked like a cute miniature version of an adult, and was obviously old enough to get into trouble on its own. That one looks like it really needs its momma, so I’m glad you reunited them.

Did she have the siblings with her? I wonder if the mother gets a rest now and then.

“If you bite your sister one more time, I’m shrugging you off into the pool!”

“Pogo’s lookin’ at me!”
“Am not!”
“Are we there yet?”

I’m glad the OP’s baby opossum seems to be back with Mom, always best. I missed this thread when pertinant… Possums, yep, they are different critters. When I worked full-time as a wildlife rehabber, the adults were, hmm, problematic, in dealing with them. All bluster and tooth. The Wildlife Vet there is a great Vet, but was cautious and rough (normal), in handling them, and trained us as such, as par the known course. The new Vet at the wildlife shelter is some sort of Opposum Whisperer, though. Don’t know exactly what she does, but the possums were much calmer during treatment, and , sans terror, would be better handled. Mostly, she just took more time in handling them, in calmer circumstance, to not trigger their basic terror response.

She would be able to handle a possum on the examination table, then, without all the nasty tooth thing. They were docile, alert, but kinda laissez faire, then, when they could see some manner of safety. This taught me that they do discern what’s threating them.

The best Oppossum rehabber in the area is a tiny woman in her 70’s, and, as that’s a rare skill, she usually has a full house. We’d rehab many babies, but, when her adolescent possums would come back, they were heads and tails above in development; silky sleek coats, alert, and ready to go out into the wild. She nurtured them impeccably, but, didn’t spoil them, knew they were always supposed to be released to be wild animals .

I learned a bit of that sweetness, and really love possums. They’re simple in what they do, but complex in understanding them.

Didn’t see any, but it was dark and rainy.

I’m glad you got a good rehabber in your area… Unfortunately I had to deal with some that wanted the oppossums more for pets than to be released in the wild. :frowning:

I did have a calmer juvenile oppossum… A “so ugly it is cute” type, that would only get mad if we messed too much with its tail (that was one of the things bad with him). But many of the others were adults that should’ve been either euthanized or returned to the wild a long time ago and the rehabbers had refused.

“You’re supposed to boil 'em until just the right color. That’s my secret.”

–Granny Clampet, on her recipe for possum pie.

She’ll have to pry them out of Elly Mae’s loving arms. :slight_smile: