From Green Lantern's mouth to Kid Flash's ear: super-hero advice

The M-16 is a fine weapon, as long as you clean and maintain it regularly.

Also…there’s a reason why I don’t have a single archnemesis, or a lot of reoccuring enemies. Think about it.

Batman: Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot.

Billy Batson: When a stranger lures you down into the subway to show you his secrets, you go. It’s awesome.

Hourman: Winners sometimes use drugs, kids. Also, if you don’t advertise your weakness, you’re a pansy.

I was thinking about Air Wave III – his name, by the way, was Hal Jordan, like his more famous cousin – when I began this thread. It was more than just keeping the secret identity advice, though I remember that too (Black Canary: “Don’t go into a public bathroom to change! People will notice that Hal Jordan went IN and never came out, but Air Wave came OUT and never went in!”); there was also advice on stopping the crime FIRST, then worrying about catching the bad guy (GL) and not letting the suit do all the fighting (GA, naturally). Good stuff, and exactly what I was hoping for in this thread.

Bucky: Learn from my mistake. Don’t use your own name as your superhero moniker.

Adam Strange: In my experience, you can solve any problem by constantly thinking about how you could use whatever is at hand as a weapon. Take, for example, the way I carry around a high-powered handgun.

If Hawkgirl wore an exact copy of Hawkman’s outfit, her opponents would be the most distracted villains ever!

Think about it.

What do you mean, she’s not a superhero? Her superior fashion sense has surely saved many innocents from a Bad Taste Emergency.

Captain Marvel: don’t spend a lot of money on the cape. If the suit is snazzy enough, you can use a tablecloth for a cape and no one will notice. Oh, and never let a sitcom character start using yout catchphrase. Friggin’ Gomer Pyle.

Hey, watch it! Captain Marvel would never use such language.


Be prepared.

Yea, but she would attract supervillains like flies. In fact, a lot of otherwise nondescript and good people would become villains just so they could (ahem) go up against her. I know I would.

I, myself, have an Evil Aaardvark Man costume in my closet, against just such a contingency.

I believe you.

Future Batman: Be prepared for myself.

Aquaman: Don’t wear a costume that stands out. Very little water is orange and green, for example.

Dr. Octopus: If your name is, for example, Glassman, stay away from windows.

Harvey Dent: Just don’t come to Gotham. Ever. Or I’ll kill you. Possibly.

Dr. Strange: Remember, it’s hoary HORDES of Hoggoth. HORDES. That “whores” thing just pisses 'em off.

Oh, and **Swamp Thing ** wants you to be sure to wear appropriate protective coverings while working with chemicals and be sure to have plenty of fire extiguishers in your lab.

Captain Inferno - leave the polyester tights at home.


John Constantine recommends that you attend church regularly and memorize your prayers, and the terrorist known as V would like to remind kids that explosives are dangerous and not to be tried at home (blow them up at your nearest fascist despot’s place instead).

Morpheus would probably advise you not to piss off any women with snakes for hair. I’m not entirely sure what Rorschach or Dr. Manhattan would say.


“Lying. Do it again, broken arm. Not joking.”

Good advice! :smiley: