Fuck You Calista Flockhart. Your NOT Pretty.

FTR, I don’t find Calista Flockhart that attractive either. She’s not hideous, but IMO, nothing special. However, if Calista Flockhart were Jane Doe, and Phlip had come across her in the street, I don’t think he would have made a Pit thread about it.

Hence my observation that Phlip is less angered at Calista Flockhart’s prettiness (or lack thereof) than at people who find her cute.

Oh poo. I’m a preserved prune. :frowning:

Im not angry at anything other than the god/devil who made a human woman look like a giant lizard!! And Im angry for her for accepting that lizard face that god gave her instead of walking around with a double ply paper bag on her head.

I am no madder at the people who find her attractive than I am at the people who want to eat peanutty poop.

Phlip, take my hand. It sounds like she once turned you down for a date or something. Did she not reply to your e-mail or letter? Did she ignore you when you asked her for her autograph? Explain to us why you have an obsession with Calista? Personally, I don’t find her attractive. I don’t find a lot of celebrities attractive, but it’s not something I’d go around telling people, and I certainly wouldn’t hold it against them. Oh, and what’s the obsession with poop?

Phlip, what have you got against geckos? And how does it relate to your obsession with scatophagy? Your childhood must’ve been terribly interesting…


Calista is ugly. My opinion was questioned. I restated my opinion with some comparisons to get the point across.

What dont you understand?

What about her not pretty?

I generally agree with Phlip’s post about Calista, except for the misuse of the word your.

What I don’t understand is why when the show took off the media acted like now Calista is some sex symbol. She’s not, she’s a waif. Furthermore it might just be possible, although the media* doesn’t get this, that people might watch a show for the talent on it rather than what the stars look like.

Of course, I think the show sucks too.

[sub]* I am naturally referring to the showbiz media, rather than the serious media.[/sub]

Callista’ a hotty, who’s way too skinny. She’s only just ok looking, now.

Nothing wrong with her, some red meat, bacon and eggs couldn’t fix.

What the hell. I don’t find her attractive either, but can’t we find more substantive criticism than ‘she looks like a gecko?.’ How about the show is self important drivel mixed with blatantly contrived quirkiness? Or Calista’s bulimiaesque figure presents an absurd and unhealthy ideal? Hell, I’d even get behind a rant asking to bring back the lovely Courtney Thorne-Smith (not that I watch the show with or without her, but she is fun to look at), but this sniping about a persons looks makes for a lame rant. What does Phlip look like? Post a pic so we can critique it.

After fumbling my way through your mess of a post (GAWD, does anyone have a Furby to English translator?), I just have one request - Show us a photo of you, m’kay?

And I happen to have some red meat she could have.

I’m with Scylla. She’s one of these women you see around occasionally, prompting you to think, “Damn, all she needs is a pint of blood and a good steak!” I liked her back when she was did the (HBO?) show on, of all things, bullemia. She looked pretty good back then. But she’s become even more bony then ever, now. And as Waverly said, the show’s a wreck, too.

As for the gecko comparison, I like actual geckos too much to draw that comparison. It’s insulting to the geckos. Although I suppose the lizard thing would hold. Personally, I like Lucy Liu and Portia de Rossi.

Scylla, she is probably loathe to swallow her own saliva, lest she intake pica-calorie or two.

Two things:

  1. Your beef against geckos. I mean, sure they sold out and do Geiko commercials. But really, that’s not so bad, is it?

  2. Your obsession with scatophagy. You seem to have quite the fetish going on there…

BTW, I think you’re right about one thing: she’s definitely too damn skinny.

With the exception of the misspelled “you’re,” I actually enjoyed this little mini-rant. Short and sweet with a good, metaphorical jab at “Ally McBeal,” and the deadpan finale “She looks like a lizard” is very nicely done, and very accurate. I give it an 8.25.

I would agree that Calista Flockhart is hideously ugly. She was cute six or seven years ago, when she wasn’t dying. Now she looks like she just escaped from Bergen-Belsen. Have a fucking hamburger, for God’s sake.

From what I’ve read Phlip isn’t saying that all skinny women are ugly and look like lizards… just Calista Flockhart. This isn’t really anything to start flaming over but I’m just going to add my $.02.

I don’t think it’s right to judge her about her health and assume that she’s anorexic or bulimic because I don’t think it’s actually been proven that she is. Sure, she’s skinny but there’s lots of women out there whose bodies are shaped like that. She’s not going to gain weight just by eating

Maybe her body isn’t designed to gain weight the way other people’s bodies are. I could eat bacon and eggs every day and never gain an ounce. That’s just the way my body is made. I’m 5’9" and weigh between 112-115 pounds, I eat like a horse and never gain weight. I’ve been like that all my life and I’ll probably always be like that. I’ve been ribbed (no pun intended) about my weight all my life and it feels just as bad as when a fat person gets ribbed about theirs. I don’t recall many people saying that Cameron Manheim was “definitely too damn fat” in the Fat People are Ugly thread. Probably because it definitely would have offended the fat people on the boards and because it’s just downright rude to say such a thing. Same thing goes for saying “definitely too damn skinny” IMO.

Thin people are just as sensitive about their weight as fat people and we’re just as aware of it too. We know that we’re skinny and people don’t have to point it out to us and automatically assume that we have an eating disorder because of it. I know that no one here has actually made that assumption about every skinny person everywhere, I’m just trying to make a point.


I’d agree with you, but I’m not sure that’s the case with Callista.

I remember her from the first season and from The Birdcage back when she wasn’t so skinny.

I would guess she’s been dieting.

I remember reading how people that starve themselves get this light coating of downy hair over their body as part of the body’s mechanism to preserve heat and efficiency.

I saw some potos of her where she had that, so I think lack of food is her main problem

I wouldn’t disagree with you if she had started out looking that way. However, she has gotten thinner every season. That leads me to believe that her appearance is at least, in part, intentional. Wether she has an eating disorder, I can’t say for sure. I would not be surprised to find out she is anorexic or bulimic.

I can’t comment on thin people being sensitive, so I’ll take your word for it. However, from my experience, very few people want to face the possiblity that someone they know has an eating disorder. They may say it in gest, but not seriously consider the idea to be true. However, if perfect strangers assume you have an eating disorder because you are thin, then the need to get over it. I would guess that most of those people are simply trying to justify why someone is thinner than they are. That is their problem, not yours.

She is absolutely stunningly gorgeous and hot. She may just be a little too short.

Did you see the legs on her? Nice.

I have seen the show a few times, it’s OK, but I generally don’t watch a show that is a series, because I don’t watch tv that much.

It’s Callista, 2 l’s, BTW, and it’s you’re (think you are).

Callista (Kallista) means “most beautiful” in Greek.

Phlip, my friend, you are a semiliterate asshole. Quit trolling and fuck right off, there’s a good lad.