Fuck You Jeb Bush

eleanorrigby is not making general statements about the voters of Florida. She is merely stating her personal opinion of Gov. Bush. (One with which I concur.)
One may believe that Bush is an asshole, while at the same time recognizing that for whatever reason, the voters of Florida have chosen to elect an asshole to run the state.

I understand your issue with sweeping statements; read the post again - this is not one of them.

That’s a mighty mighty hijack, Rick…

Large numbers of people regularly elect arseholes. Doesn’t make it any less idiotic. See the results of the last federal election for details

When I first saw this story on the CNN main page, I was certain that they had accidentally broken into their April Fool’s file. I am simply stunned at the continued hounding and villification of Mr. Schiavo.

she did have bouncing baby boys.

God as my witness, I have absolutely no idea what point you’re trying to make. Because a bunch of other people disagree with her opinion of jeb Bush, eleanorigby shouldn’t share her opinion of Jed Bush? Huh? Why not? This makes no sense to me.

Well, Jeb’s just trying to satisfy Agent Smith and maintain the Matrix.

Never mind.

I’m either a terrible communicator when it comes to this point, or a ravening idiot ABOUT this point.

Or possibly both.

So he’s raising this for political gain, is he? As Bricker implies in the post above, the guy’s not an idiot. He’s an astute politician. As such, he must know that there little or no political gain to be had in keeping this thing going.

So why’s he doing it? Perhaps because he believes it’s the right thing to do. (I don’t, but that’s not pertinent to my point.)


You should keep in mind that the Schiavo thing has come up since he was elected/reelected, so it’s possible that people voted for him without realizing that he’s an asshole (something they’re figuring out based on the polling trend). You should also keep in mind that the Governor’s Office is Jeb’s first elected post, so while he was charismatic/well-funded enough to get elected the first time, it certainly wasn’t based on any prior performance that indicated he would be a good Governor.

I think he’s doing it to pander to the elements of the Religious Right who are still pissed at him for not sending in the state police to reinsert her feeding tube. This guy wants to be POTUS, and he knows he can’t get there without the RR. His other hope is that those who were turned off by his interference in this matter have gotten over it by the time he does run for POTUS.

And wouldn’t this investigation have been a little more useful sometime before she died? If there was some “funny business” going on with this 911 call, such could have been entered into evidence on the Schindler’s behalf. Jeb Bush, as a two-term Governor, had plenty of time to call for the initiation of such an investigation if he believed it to be "the right thing to do. Did he just wake up today and say, “Ya know- I’ve got a great idea”.

This is bullshit on several different levels.

Something I said got some airplay by folks in the Pit? I am honored! :slight_smile:

Anyway, I vaguely see your point-if there was one. Calling someone an asshole doesn’t do much–it doesn’t even make me feel better.

but I was not calling the populace of Florida assholes…but now that you mention it–there was that trivial matter in 2000 and…hmm, I’ll get back to you.
PS: my Dad is registered to vote in FL and he didn’t vote for Jeb, neither did my aunt or grandma(native Floridians). So maybe FL is not quite chock full of… :smiley:

Hey, thanks to Jeb Bush we don’t have to get emission inspections on our cars anymore, which was an inconvenient pain in the nuts. So he’s in thrall of the religious-right Sith lords, who cares? Those emission lines were long!

For people to leave this man alone and to acknowledge the reality of Terri’s death would be to acknowledge their own mortality.

Terri had been a beautiful young woman who was a vegetable for fifteen years before she was allowed to fully die.

Our culture is TERRIFIED of death.

Instead of faith making one strong and allowing one to make peace with the nature of humanity to be mortal and die, it is being used as a combination magic genie/get out of death free card.

I think the people making the most out of this where it isn’t for political points need to deal with their own fear of their impending mortality and stop being such mortal pains in Michael Schaivo’s ass.

Nice try, but I think you’re looking way too deep into the whole situation. People (Especially Bush) are mostly self-righteous assholes who don’t know when to STFU or when to let go. She’s dead, move on.

Are you sure about that? It doesn’t seem like there is new information at all. These very allegations were made during the fight over Schiavo. They were, as far as I know, made at the malpractice trial and discounted. And her lawyer’s point is a little hard to argue with: if her heart stopped beating when she collapsed, it’s hard to see how she could have lived for 70 minutes. If it didn’t stop beating right away, it’s more than possible that Michael didn’t call the paramedics immediately because he thought she just passed out and he could wake her up. Given that there is no evidence of foul play…

As has been pointed out time and time again on this Board, getting elected to public office and being an effective public servant (or a decent human being, for that matter) are two entirely different things.

Jeb Bush knows that a certain segment of the voting population, a segment that happens to get out and vote and also happens to financial support candidates who hold their views, will eat up his moronic spoutings and gibberish with an uncritical spoon. It’s great politics. It’s completely reprehensible public service.

FWIW…On NPR they said he didn’t know about the call until a talk with the medical examiner just before the autopsy results were released.

How low was the ceiling in the Bush boys’ nursery, anyway? :dubious:

can a christian come along and please explain to me, how is it that people who believe in heaven and eternal happiness and all that come to the conclusion that miss TS was BETTER off alive than dead? not trying to be an ass here but I just cant get my brain around this stance. she was a frigging vegatabe, in some ways worse, she wasnt ever going to get better, the only thing her 15 years of unlife accomplished was a massive financial drain, a truly fantastic load of stupid drama from everyone concerned (except of all people her husband) and the embarassment of the republican party.

I dont get it.