Fuck you, your future mother-in-law, and your stupid emails


Man, my b/f’s sister does this shit all the damn time. And when she runs out of lame emails, she resends old ones. She says it’s not intentional, but comon’, if I can remember them, I’m sure she can too. And she forwards these huge attachments that repeatedly clog up my inbox. I’ve asked her to stop numerous times, but 2 years later i’m still getting them! Oh, how I regret giving her my email address. :mad:


Speaking of spamming… :eek:

The most impressive part is that I am certain I only hit submit once – this is the first I’ve been back to this Netscape browser since hitting submit the first time. I guess the hamsters liked my post enough they just couldn’t stop posting it.

(BTW astro, that cracked me up.)

oh yeah, regarding the OP, Winston I think you totally overreacted. You could’ve just asked him to stop sending you emails, it’s not like he was using vulgarities or something. Do you need some midol? :smiley:

Giraffe, honey, go fuck yourself with a red-hot poker.

You and Avalonian are overlooking one teensy tittle detail in your headlong rush to exonerate WinstonWinston knows better. He knows so much better, in fact, that he’s choked with repressed rage at the glurge cluttering his inbox.

José doesn’t know about these repressed homicidal tendencies; he doesn’t know about BCC, glurge, or spam. He, naïf that he is, can’t imagine that all 35 people on his list aren’t as tickled as he is to receive the hilarious spoor of the Internet. José is an idiot.

Winston, on the other hand, knows goddamn well that those 35 people don’t want to read his clever one-off to José; he just wants them to witness his subtle and oh-so-deserved riposte, so in the electronic version of an informal subpoena, he sends it to them anyway. That is why Winston an asshole, and **José isn’t.

Nah, Nametag, I don’t think that’s the case. Jose cced his M-I-L and his fiance (which seems like idiotic posturing to me) on his ‘please stop’ email. Seems to me like he has some idea how to use email.

I think Winston got pissed off and did it on purpose, but I think Jose is a blithering idiot. The former state will change with time. The latter? Not as likely.

P.S. I have replied to all, formerly, on those damned email U.L.s that snopes has disproved. I have emailed them with the snopes link. And I have asked people not to forward them. This is usually after I have warned the sender 3 or 4 times about sending me such email.

Thanks, astro. That’s what I thought, but I didn’t see where the gigantic offense came from. Still don’t, actually, but I now feel informed enough to decide that’s 'cause Winston is a loon, and not 'cause I’m somehow deficient.

Just to clarify, here’s the punchline, and my response. Y’all are accusing me of being snarky, but that’s really not the issue on the floor.

Snarky? I don’t know. I don’t really think so, but that’s fine. His MIL’s response really frosted my ass, and the fact that he’s the Mad Spammer, and I’m getting ‘chastised’ for my email (still, now) angers me. He can send this garbage, but I can’t reply? Or reply to all? Fuck that.

And Nametag, you can share your opinion without calling me an asshole. At least that’s what it sounded like you were trying to say. Before you called me an asshole. Twice. :wally

What? We never actually receive money from Bill Gates?? :slight_smile: Bummer.

Ugh. I have a similar story. A friend sent a religious message to several of her friends, and a couple of them decided to carry on a conversation about it, replying to all each time. I sent one message to the list, asking to be removed from further discussion, and she was totally offended by it.

Another friend on the same list actually wrote me privately to congratulate me on my courage to do such a thing, but it didn’t change the fact that the first friend STILL hasn’t spoken to me since. And this was years ago.

There’s actually a thread here about it, somewhere.

Sounds like you got off lucky. That’s not a friend, IMO.

Winston, when I read the MIL’s reply, Please make it stop., it sounded to me like a cry for help. (How do I get this jerk who is about to be my SIL stop emailing junk to me?) Am I the only one?

Winston, I don’t think anyone has a problem with your first response. It was snarky, yeah, no biggie though, it was in the same spirit as the “joke.” The problem is when you totally and IMHO, inappropriately flew off the handle at Joe. I’d bet that he was sitting there staring with his mouth open at the computer screen when he read it going "what the fuck???. He cc’d his fiancee because he thought he was being cute. That’s obvious. If you’ve never shown (and your OP doesn’t indicate whether you have or not) any annoyance in the past directly towards him, most likely he now just thinks you’re fucking crazy. You can’t just randomly blow up at people like that, with no warning. They’re gonna be way more focused on the fact that your screaming temper tantrum came out of nowhere than about what caused it, and if it’s somehow their fault. :confused:

Who the hell emails their MIL?

Lot’s of people do, if they get along with them. I email my b/f’s mom all the time (never fowards though, that’s just fucking annoying) :wink:
And my previous post was supposed to be Jose

Block Sender

Learn it.
Live it.
Love it.

Joe and Jose are pretty much interchangable in this case. No biggie.

I see what you’re saying about my response being akin to a temper tantrum, though. It just infuriated me that after all the friggin’ emails I’ve gotten from him the last couple years, I respond to one - a single response after hundreds of emails - and I get an email bitch-slap. WTF?

Yeah, no doubt he made a major fau paux (or however you spell it) but I don’t think he realized he did, see? That’s why he’s probably sitting there thinking “this guy is a total wackjob…” but hey, if it stops the emails… :wink:

My sentiments exactly. He actually sent me a Hallmark E-Card (for Easter) late in the evening yesterday. I had mixed feelings about that. On one hand, it’s good that he doesn’t think this is a friendship-ending incident (because I don’t). But on the other hand, he sent me another Gersheissen email, which indicates that he just doesn’t get it.

I’m gonna have to come down on the side of Winston here. Sure, the “fuck you” was harsh, but not really so bad. It’s not like he swore like a sailor through the whole e-mail.

The two worst things about e-mail are commercial spam and asshats like Jose. Personally, I find the Joses of the world to be the most vile of the two because they do it to people they know, while you’re just an address on a massive list to the commercial spam mailers.

I say Jose had it coming.

…and the e-mails will probably stop now.

Or maybe not. Perhaps you should have been harsher.