Fuckin A! Did I ASK to look like Carol Brady?

Ewww. You should ask your doctor to prescribe a good vermifuge.

I’ve apparently got flukes too. I’ve been going to great clips for seven years and I’ve never had a bad cut. Maybe a bit too short, but that grows out soon enough and makes it longer until I have to get it cut again.

I always thought Carol was worth looking at…she still looks good! Of course, her face looks a little…tightened, but…still OK!

My wife has heavy, straight hair. It never ceases to amaze me what she pays for a haircut and coloring (I’m more of a Supercuts guy myself, but I’ve had the same haircut since 8th grade, and I don’t care too much). I really don’t begrudge the cost…she works, too, but the prices amaze me.

When my wife comes home, I have programmed (self-hypnotized? reminded? brainwashed?) myself to say the following (exactly, down to tone and timbre):

“Hey…that looks really nice.”

It’s sincere enough, and it hides the fact that I really can’t see any difference outside of the length and the little “flip” they do to the ends.

Maybe you should have been more specific in your request. :wink:


I think I’m going to have to start taking field trips back to my hometown to get my old stylist to cut my hair. He’s the only one I really trust now.


Maybe you’ve lucked out because it’s a local place with people who’ve worked there for a long time or something. Trust me, that’s lucky.

I’ve been butchered and seen others butchered by these hack shops so many times I can’t even count. I think of it this way, if you were really a great hairdresser, wouldn’t you go where you can charge $50 for a cut instead of $7? It only makes sense.

Any real hair stylist also does perms, color, etc. I’d as soon go to the local beauty college for that as I would to a Great Clips. That’s just asking for trouble.

I’ve posted this story before but it’s relevent here.

One time I went to Ulta to get my hair cut. I didn’t normally go there for haircuts, but I was buying some makeup and stuff when I saw this poster of a girl with a really cute haircut. It was similar to this (which, incidentally, is a magazine ad I’ve taken in to another hairdresser because I wanted my hair cut like that). Anyway, they had posters of the girl with the haircut all around the freakin store. So I made an appointment there, since that way the hairdresser would just be able to look at the pictures instead of me trying to describe the cut.

So I got my appointment, and went in, and she started cutting and everything was going alright. Then she started styling it, and it looked like crap. And so she put more styling goop in. And more. After 30 minutes of just styling, she stands back and says, “Here are the styling products, you see if you can get it to do what you want.” And she had cut my hair like freakin Carol Brady.

I went to go pay for it. I was nearly in tears. I had fully intended to tip her, because I am quite possibly the biggest doormat ever, but the hairdresser ran away and hid while I was at the cashier. So I didn’t end up tipping her. Good.

So my hair was way short and Carol Brady-ish, and two days later we left for a cruise to the Virgin Islands or something. My hair can be quite curly, and it was so unruly with the humidity. I went from Carol Brady to Mike Brady.

Anyway, now I go to this young Italian guy and he’s adorable and he’s perfect. In fact, I see him on Saturday. I can’t wait!

Ick. For my second haircut in 3 years (after going from butt length to ear level in one Mighty Whack), I was in a hurry, so I went around to the Supercuts and asked that they trim my current 'do back up to my ears.

Before: An angled bob with layers that was slowly growing out.

After: $15 poorer, weedwhacker hairdo with everything hacked off at one length, no layers to speak of. I had to point out, “Uh, that side’s longer than this side. How about you fix that?”

I was traumatized enough that instead of going to the usual hip barbering place (I went there for a while to maintain electric blue extensions in my hair), I went to the local Gene Juarez spa place which is Very Foofy. Foofy to the extent where they offer you a robe to wear while you get all pampered.

Fortunately, my hair is back to something which doesn’t cause me to glare at myself in the mirror or swear off cutting my hair for another 3 years.

Poor, poor women… I understand now the elusive delight that is “My Haircutter”.

Me, I just drag an electric razor around my head until it stops making that buzzing-cutting sound. And I don’t have to sit to pee!

Men. We’ve got it all [sup]TM[/sup]. :smiley:

That Carol Brady haircut turned Mike Brady queerer than a three dollar bill, so you might want to keep an eye on your husband.

No, they also know how to blow dry hair straight. Because straight hair is in, of course.

Never mind that my hair will never look like that again because I don’t have the time or the manual dexterity to blow dry my hair straight every morning. And I really don’t like layers.

Yes. Do not come near my hair with a blowdryer, you silly twit hairdresser. I never blowdry my hair. It’s really really really really bad for your hair!

Did you look like Farrah or Roseanne Roseannadanna?


I know that, I know that - I really do. But my hair doesn’t dry naturally very well - it crinkles up into curls and I can’t manage them well. If I blow-dry it, I can get it straight and smooth - I’ve been tempted to scrunch it and let it dry naturally sometimes, but I’m not that brave.

I envy your hair, I really do.


As my best friend has been reminding me since Sunday (and she’ll tell me my hair looks good no matter what - I love her!), ‘The difference between a good cut and a bad one is 2 weeks.’ Guess I’ll know for sure next weekend.

I got exactly the cut I asked for; I just didn’t take into account that someone as moon-faced as I shouldn’t have the longest part of a bob hitting the widest part of the cheek. :smack:

I live in complete denial about my hair. THIS is going to be the bob that doesn’t makeme look like my face is 20 feet wide with 50 chins; THIS will be the time I grow my hair past my shoulders and won’t end up with a mass of split ends…

Oh, and if you dye a color called ‘Plum Brown,’ you’d think it would be common sense to assume that, left in for too long, it will turn your hair purple. Or in my case, pitch black with purple highlights. I think I lucked out, though - I was in college with colors of purple and white, and we were fielding a decent basketball team that year. If I got any second looks, they probably assumed I was just a nuttier fan than the usual variety.