Game of Thrones 3.03 "Walk of Punishment" 4/14/13 No Book Spoilers

I didnt like how the Theon scene played out.

It reminded me of shows like The following and Revolution where you have to turn off your common sense to accept whats going on.
He manages to get out of the castle without anyone knowing, its not like they were not guarding the room, or that no guards were on sentinel all over the castle seeing as a war going on.
So he rides and hes caught up by these thugs that chase him, good scenes and whens he captured out of nowhere the kid shows up with incredibly arrow accuracy and speed too, did you notice how fast he dispatched the three guys?

I dont care of the end result but it could’ve been done more “realistic” imo. This scene felt out of character for the show. Considering its universe I find that its been very realistic in the way things happen.

Great episode. I didn’t see Jamie’s amputation scene coming. I completely didn’t get that Tyrion had set up the whole thing with the whores returning Pod’s money, though of course that makes sense. I’m sure Daenerys has some plan in mind to leave with the slave army *and *all her dragons. There’s no way she’d give one up, she refers to them as her children.

What was that song playing over the credits?

The bear and the maiden fair, it was the song the brotherhood guys or the Bolton guys were singing during the episode, I can’t remember which. A punk version though, which was kinda odd actually.

Why does Pod getting laid for free have to be a setup? I can totally see the whores having fun with a good-looking young man. I thought it was done for some comic relief, in an otherwise dark episode.

I found it most interesting that he used the Stark motto of “Winter is coming” after he rescued him.

They seemed to make a big deal over whether that one lady was having a boy or a girl (it was a boy). Was she just worried that if it were a girl, the lord guy would want to fuck it later? I don’t remember if there was incest type stuff going on in that house or not.

Whores don’t return money. Specially not sacks of gold.

I agree, she signaled a more aggressive attitude when she ripped into Jorah and Barristan for contradicting her in front of the slave trader.

Boys are all sacrificed to the Others or whatever those nasty snowfuckers are. He breeds only gis somhe cand have more girls to,be his slaves, both sexual and otherwwise. Sort of a medieval Warren Jeffs.

Craster keeps his daughters, and “marries” all of them when they grow up. When a son is born, he takes it out and gives it to the White Walkers, who are presumably “the real gods” he refers to in this episode. That’s why he’s safe from them. So Gilly isn’t worried that a girl would share her lot in life - she’s worried since it’s a boy, he’ll be killed or something worse by terrifying monsters that live in the woods.

My guess is that this is all some kind of charade set up to fool Theon for some reason or other. (Except of course the guys really died, so they were part of the charade but not in on it.)

Which one is Ramsay [Snow | Bolton]? I heard he was supposed to be in this episode but I can’t put my finger on which character.

Tyrion has few people he can trust. Even though Pod saved his life, I can see him setting up the situation to see if he can really trust Pod and how far that trust goes.

If they haven’t mentioned someone by name, wouldn’t it be a spoiler to point the character out?

All that went out the window, though, when he killed two innocent little boys to pose as the two little boys who got away.

Or maybe he wants to see how just smart/gullible Pod is. Tyrion needs a protege.

So apparently the U.K. has a generation of Bieber-ized male actors. The actors who play Joffrey, Jojen, and Pod all look 14 but are in fact all in their early 20s.
Although it works well, especially for Joffrey who’s now in his third year on the show and has been playing an adolescent for it all; a real adolescent would have changed too much.

The actors who played the captured Lannisters looked between 8 and 10 to me but they were supposed to be 14 and 15.

Hmmm, this probably would not constitute book spoilerage, since it has nothing to do with the plot, merely a bit of background detail. It’s mentioned in this episode that “whores never return gold,” but I had the impression that the whores in the bordello were not paid, or were paid a mere fraction of what they earned, that they were little better than slaves. They get beaten, they get whipped, they get shipped to the Wall, all without any sign that their wishes count for diddly. They are treated very much like slaves or serfs. Certainly they were common folk, and the status of the common folk was little better than that of slaves. Does that bit get covered in GoT?

Well, the OP says, “This is the episode discussion thread that pretends the books don’t exist.”

Not really, 90% of the whore content is pure HBO.