Game of Thrones 4.06 "The Laws of Gods and Men" 5/11/14 NO SPOILERS

Tywin is officially the worst human in the show. His cruelty is calculated and clear-minded. Joffrey was a slave to his own impulses, but Tywin has no such excuse.

I don’t think Tyrion will get away with pulling the trial by combat card for a second time. Tywin has people like Loras and the mountain willing to fight, and Tyrion has who? Jamie?

I have a sinking feeling that we might see the deaths of both Tyrion and Jamie next week.

About time to, I thought that episode was 3/4 filler and the last fifteen was the what we been waiting for.


Standing for him would be a bad idea. That’s why Pod was sent off with Brienne, because it was either testify against Tyrion or face trouble. Tyrion’s basically fucked no matter what happens. Tywin’s found a way to get rid of him. But like someone else said, he put his foot down a little too hard on the gas with Shae. As far as he’s concerned Tyrion is just a slave to his dick who’s addicted to fucking whores, I don’t think he would have predicted Tyrion’s reaction to Shae’s testimony.

Really great performances by everyone this episode.

Jamie would be committing suicide if he agreed to face any of the top talent likely to be chosen as Cersei’s champion. He’s still struggling to learn to fight left handed, and Bronn has demonstrated to him that he’s just not a serious fighter anymore…and may never be again.

I think another swerve…Auberyn is Tyrion’s champion so he can have his shot at the Mountain.

I was actually really excited about the prospect of Tyrion headed to the Wall. With Jon Snow set up to lead there–and him and Tyrion knowing each other–and Brienne and Pod on their way to Castle Black the war at the wall would be pretty interesting.

Did we know the pirate lord that Davos met at the bath house survived Black Water?

Yes. The Onion Knight had been washed ashore on a tiny island out at sea and it was his pirate friend who happened across him, picked him up, and took him back to Dragonstone.

The scene with Reek was horrifying. Rescue came, and he was so mindfucked that he thought it was some sort of trick to test his loyalty. While I appreciate the cliché busting - the heroic rescue averted - it’s just sickening. I have no idea how anyone could possibly think Theon is getting what he deserved, when he’s one of the least malicious dicks we’ve seen.

What was Shae’s motivation? I thought that perhaps they had threatened her or otherwise bribed her, but she repeated his words back to him that she was just a whore, in a very hurt and hurtful sort of way. She can’t be lashing out at him simply for what he said, could she? Maybe she’d fail to come to his defense, but I can’t imagine she would proactively make up the whole story entirely out of vindictiveness. It seems like she must’ve been threatened by someone and turned and then coached with that story. If not, if she did it completely of her own volition, then she is, well, consistently stupid and reckless.

Tyrion’s “fuck all y’all” moment was fantastic. What a horrible legal system, as mentioned upthread.

Also, it seems like they should make you choose your type of trial before it starts. Otherwise if a trial is clearly not going your way, you might as well take your chances at a trial by combat at that point. That’s lots of people dying in unnecessary duels.

Then Jamie commits suicide. The only way his little brother gets killed is over his dead body.

This is speculation on my part, but I think Tyrion is counting on the fact that in a game of chicken he backs down before allowing his beloved(in Tyronion’s mind) son Jamie die.

When Tywin and Jaime speak during the recess, Tywin says “He killed his king” and Jaime says “as did I”, which suggests that Jaime has been convinced by the trial that Tyrion is guilty. Which is odd. Or maybe he just was carelessly making a rhetorical point without really meaning it, but that’s bad writing if that’s the case.

Can someone remind me why Varys spoke against Tyrion? Did something happen between them, or is this just Varys looking out for #1?

I think that was a combination of Jamie making a rhetorical point and him not caring about the truth, he’s just going to back his little brother and damn the consequences.

There was a scene in a previous episode where Tyrion asked Varys to lie about Shae, and Varys made it clear that he’s not going to risk his own life to save Tyrion. Varys must feel awful for what he’s doing, but he’s swimming away from a drowning man rather than risk having him pull him down with him.

Everything Varys testified to took place during a small council meeting where several others were present. Any of them could have made the testimony he did, so him not testifying wouldn’t have helped Tyrion. But as I mentioned upthread, refusing to testify could have put him in a sharp spot. He might as well do his part in the dance and keep his position secure.

I think Varys was just being smart and knowing he’s got to kowtow to whomever has the power. His look when Tyrion asked him if he’d forgotten the battle of Blackwater seemed meaningful. I bet if Tyrion survives this trial by scheming somehow to escape, I could see Varys facilitating that since it would be behind the scenes and no one would know.

Oak, how could Dani’s dragons be kept leashed now? They’re growing animals that need exercise, and what containment system would even be practical? I wonder if she spends any time trying to work with them, especially now that she’s decided to rule. Girl needs to learn to delegate, and soon!

Also, I spent way too many minutes thinking about the logistics of erecting and maintaining that giant iron dude Stannis sailed under when they were going to the Iron Bank. That would be truly something to behold if it were real.

Yeah, but he went above and beyond simply testifying to facts others had also witnessed when he suggested that Tyrion’s marriage to Sansa had made him an enemy sympathizer.

It’s quite conceivable that Varys knows, strongly suspects, or was even the one that suggested that Tyrion could cop a plea and be sent to the Nightswatch as his punishment. Could even be that he believed that that convenient outcome was less for Tyrion’s benefit than it was to the benefit of the kingdom.

I’m of the opinion that Varys is basically a good guy. Good guy doesn’t = Always does what’s “right” but I view what he does through the lens of that general opinion of him. As I said, Tyrion’s got so many nails in his coffin already that Varys’ testimony doesn’t really change anything - but he might as well make those in power happy by doing his part convincingly.

Exactly what I was thinking.

If the Mountain is called in, I could see the Prince of Dorne stepping up in Tyrion’s behalf to exact revenge for his sister.

Didn’t he murder a couple of orphans when he couldn’t find Bran and Rickon?

It is a little silly, but then again, how many people would rather duel The Mountain rather than go to the Wall?